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The Trump Era Ends in Disaster in Georgia




That's not your Lawn Tiger

Love you guys! I would have never thought this would happen. Let's do this next elections!!


I can't believe you ranked the races without Eli and Heath ;)

Tom Mummery

'Broke a window in Walgreens or set a garbage can on fire' Look, I am just some guy in the Uk but from what I saw, from a lot of different media sources, the protests and subsequent riots left a trail of devastation in their wake that left some parts of the US looking like part of Syria... I am not trying to argue that there were not damn good reasons for a lot of this but why can you not be honest about this??

Tom Mummery

I mean, am I under a delusion here. Did this simply not happen or was it made to look worse than it actually was by a biased media?

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

No, you are right in that some areas experienced significant property damage. I think the point being made was that the property damage was, in terms of significance, less significant than an attack against the capitol building full of congress. But you are correct, the events of the summer did cause significant damage to property in many areas of the country.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

The damage was also highly localized and played up on the media constantly so it looked like our whole country was on fire. I live a few blocks from where the "rioters destroyed downtown chicago!" and they broke some windows and did some looting, but it was not syria-esque by any stretch of the imagination.

Tom Mummery

Thanks for the swift and informed response. I apologise as I did not mean to try and accuse you of actively lying as my response might suggest, I was just a bit perplexed.

B. King

Wait, Tom has a fucking nanny?? He can't bitch about raising kids anymore. (Said in jest....but seriously, Tom has a nanny, let that set in)


Ian is becoming God of small spaces


Re: the Georgia call, Tom pointed out they didn't lose by one Georgia- which means he called other states too. How many and when will we hear those calls too? Gloryhole!

Michele Wickham

Hey, guys, could you make a post on here with the date/time of the stream to support Ian? I want to be sure to make a donation during the stream but I can't easily find the schedule for it and I'm afraid I'll miss it. Thanks!