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House Gives Final Approval to Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Pandemic Relief Bill

Study suggests that the modern anti-vaccine movement is shaped by Christian nationalist ideology

Disgraced Bigot Milo Yiannopoulos: I’m “Ex-Gay,” “Sodomy Free,” and Catholic

"Pro-Life" Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill Imposing Death Penalty for Abortion



Cory Schoelzel

As a "poor" rural family (single income earner 30k s.w. Mo) that wasn't financially hit by covid too much. These stimulus checks have literally changed the course, and pace of our life. Goals once virtually unattainable are now at least presentable. This most recent stimulus check will effectively guarantee my kids have more than a couple tired cars, and a pile of restored tools to inherit. All while giving us a platform to build from so they won't get slammed by college expenses. We were getting the kids set up pretty well before, but retiring before death was definitely a laughable idea... I'm in awe of how so "little" can supercharge so much.


"[Ian] has become the 3rd member of the show." Three member podcasts never work! 😜

Ian (no, not that one)

On the subject of the Texas bill. The point isn't to get passed. Andrew and Thomas over at OA covered what these kinds of extreme bills are supposed to do. They're supposed to get passed, enjoined to prevent them from going into effect, and pushed up to the Supreme Court. Once there, the bill will either be allowed to stand (the Right wins), or it will allow the Court to undermine Roe V. Wade more and make abortions more restrictive (the Right wins, but just a little less). And if the court overturns Roe V Wade, and the floodgates open on restrictions, these bills usually have some kind of a trigger set that will make it immediately go into effect.