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Seth F.

Question: Did Gary eat the Revive-Revive Fruit? (I ask hoping I'm not the only One Piece fan who reads the comments.)

Seth F.

I swear, I just audibly heard Gary say, "the sword is my penis." My fan theory is Gary didn't die (again) while on vacation he just doesn't realize he is projecting his ghostly spirit. I'm sure he'll find his body If he just floats on back to whatever opium den he's been sojourning in.


Excellent execution!

Ryan Parker

Guys, there are a TON of incredibly stupid and completely counterproductive gun laws trying to be pushed through. I know, because many of the illegal laws have been enacted here in CA. Dianne “Where Am I” Feinstein is regurgitating her failed CA assault weapons ban to the federal level. Amongst many others. These are laws based solely on how a gun looks. These are laws that require us to wrap shark fins around our grips on an AR or any center fire rifle with a pistol grip. Giving us less control over the firearm. Making it less safe. We have a list of handguns we can and can’t own. So stupid... That I can buy a Gen 3 Glock. But not a Gen 4 or 5 of the exact same model. Becauuuuuuuse...... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Go fuck yourself. That’s why. The laws are THAT stupid and pointless. They are absolute overreaches. Many of these laws are massively unpopular with people who understand firearms. (And frankly unconstitutional) and many are only “popular” with people who understand absolutely nothing about firearms. And they are written by people who understand nothing about firearms. When I first went to buy an AR? I thought the grip was a security feature that came off when you bought it? NOPE! You think I’m over exaggerating about the stupidity out here in CA? Look up, California featureless rifle. And California compliant rifle. And on top of all of that? The numbers are literally against these stupid laws. After the “assault weapons” ban of I think... 86? I could be wrong on the year? But that ban did literally NOTHING.... Nothing. There were no changes to gun or violent crime numbers. They go after things that ignorant people think look scary. When at the end of the day pistols and handguns are the number one killers in this nation BY FAR. Not AR-15’s. It’s all garbage to infringe on people’s right to protect themselves. To alleviate misplaced fears of people who don’t understand anything about the subject, the problems, nor the real solutions. I’m for intelligent gun laws. The problem is? In reality? There are very, very, very few.

Jess Donovan

So there's a bunch of stuff that 'over-reaching' gun laws don't cover? Have you got any more?Because that could be quite the handy dandy little list! Aussie who thinks your gun masturbating culture is insane and spent 11 years in the military here....