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So we need help testing the new system. We are going to use WeTransfer today for the pre-availability  show. If you test it on WeTransfer today and then let us know the results of your test in the comments below, we will send you a shirt. And we have new shirts (some added now and some coming soon)! So if you would like the chance to win a free shirt just try to get the show via WeTransfer today.

We are giving away up to 5 shirts. (randomly selected commenters)

Here is the WeTransfer link to the show: 


Here is the link to their apps:


Our shirts (only 2 new right now but we are expecting more soon):http://www.indiemerch.com/dissonancepod/

Here are the notes for today:

Episode 289: Ba’ll Worship

Cruz Tries To Rewrite History, Claims He 'Denounced' Radical 'Kill-The-Gays' Pastor

Glenn Beck Claims That Ted Cruz 'Chewed Out' His Staff For Allowing Him To Appear At Kevin Swanson's 'Kill The Gays' Rally -

Jim Bakker: Decorate Your Living Room With Food Buckets!

Glenn Beck Says Nobody Can Understand The Moses-Like Burden That Ted Cruz Carries

'We Are Toast': Glenn Beck Does Not Appreciate Being Mocked For Warning About Baal Worship


For all the images and such, check the website tomorrow: http://dissonancepod.com

For those of you that don't care about shirts - or testing - you can still get the show through patreon as normal. 



Tara Strickland

Still sounds great! :) and it loaded a whole lot faster than I expected it to. :)

Brandon Dornak

Tried it on both ios and Android - worked great.

Rob Ives

Youtransfer, weTransfer weAllTransfer! Worked a treat.


It worked flawlessly! (Or at least as good as Patreon). Noah and Heath were hilarious! ...Tom and Cecil should really try this.

David Watt

I half expected some water sport action but that might wee transfer. Worked perfect for me.

Jamie Berg

Worked great for me. Pretty easy. Both app and browser.

Terry Schmidt

Worked fine on both my phone and on my laptop using Chrome. On Android, at least, you don't need to install the app unless you want to upload files.

Tom Hail

Very zippy on my iPhone! Any idea how to move file to Podcasts app anyone? I miss the 30 sec rewind button to catch the words of wisdom I miss.


Worked quickly in Chrome on Android. Also, I found the giant check mark very satisfying.

John Peden

Works great using chrome on Android phone

Henry Lewis King Jr.

Worked very good no problems after download I played it in Google music it went right into the cognitive dissonance folder

Joe Kleinwolterink

Worked out great! Clicked the link and it started playing for me in iTunes with no problems.

Brian Gerfort

No issues via latest versions of MacOS / Apple Mail / Safari. Fast download. Gloryhole, good sirs.


Works just fine on my iPhone, although I'm not savvy enough to figure out how to get it into my podcast app. Download speed was remarkably fast.

Baily Warren for First Dog

The download from WeTransfer worked fine on my Android phone with chrome browser. Then again, I never had a problem with the Drive links except for the naming issue that other listeners referenced. Glory hole!

Bic Texas

Worked great on my Android phone using Chrome. :)

Erik Burton

Chrome/Android worked will for me. I never had problems with the drive link, but this was also problem-free (and fast).

Valerie Vaile

The wetransfer download cut the recording off for me, but it was probably my hardware.

Stu Pollock

This is my first time downloading from the Patreon page -- I tried WeTransfer on my iPhone 5S running iOS 9.3.1 (link in Chrome) and the connection died with about 25 minutes remaining.


The WeTranfer link worked for the first 6 minutes, then stopped and wouldn't play any more of the episode. :/ I'm on an iPad mini 4 and accessing the ep. through Safari, if that helps.

Tammy Webster X

No problems downloading from WeTransfer via Google Chrome. Maybe even a little quicker. P.S could do with a new shirt to wear at QEDcon ;-) xxx

Reasonable Risk Podcast

Worked beautifully for me (Android Marshmallow). Beautiful is the antonym to whatever may come to mind when you look at yourselves in the mirror, in case you were wondering.


Pretty easy to download using Firefox for both PC and Android.

Lisa Mallette

I'm using Chrome; it downloaded quickly and sounds great!

Lisa Mallette

Crap, I forgot to butter y'all up. Let's do it Mad Libs style. Tom is (insert one) awesome, hilarious, chartreuse, fascinating, intelligent. Cecil is (insert one) handsome, talented, pear-shaped, enormous, ridiculous.


using chrome, seemed to work ok :)

Andrew Lindsay

WeTransfer links get blocked by the corporate firewall. Sad face.

Waiting 4 Wrath

The download was way faster from we transfer the a patreon. There was an initial "I accept" terms and agreements thing but then it loaded exactly as expected and very quickly. Sent it right to Dropbox and listened in cloud player. Works like a champ!


WeTransfer worked great on Chrome. I just had to accept the terms first to download the file, which was quicker than previous platforms, and it seems like it downloaded just fine.


WeTransfer worked great for me, went through the link on the Patreon iPhone app. Was able to skip around to random spots of the show with no problem while it was streaming to my phone.

Christopher Arguin

Worked great to download on android... Although I think the attached show you did last week was slightly more convenient. If WeTransfer also has an RSS feed I'd be sold!

Leigh Sharp

The download failed when I used my usual download manager - the android app ES File Explorer - but worked fine when I let Chrome handle the download itself.


I used chrome and it defaulted to windows media player. It works, but I had to let it install windows media player on my computer. However, my default media player is VLC.

Finger me rectum

Afternoon gents. Link worked great. Glory hole

Benjamin Murphy

Downloaded straight into the gloryhole and finished the job quickly with no lag and no mess! A good listening experience!

Amanda McGuirt

Worked fine on desktop and chrome on my tablet. The patreon app isn't displaying the show notes.

Jake Shelton

I downloaded the whole thing on my phone. It was quick and easy!

Gothic Alice

Worked fine on iPad. Good sound quality, though you lose some functions in terms of rewind and fast forward

M.A. Lewis

Worked fine for me on my Android phone.

Horacio Chagas

I downloaded the entire show using the we transfer link, it didn't fail, as the patreon mp3 link usually does.

Dr. H

Link worked perfectly, same as the previous, using my iPad.


Works fine on Android, including with ES File Explorer (someone commented before that it didn't work; it does for me.) I would still love for there to be a (password protected) podcast feed...


Link works great on IE11 on PC.

Jesus Fucking Christ

It worked a lot better than the piece of shit called Patreon. Now I can listen while Jesus is on the other side of the gloryhole.

Mara S.

Works like a charm on both Firefox and Chrome. Much better than the usual Patreon link. Gloryhole you guys~

If precedence has you down, make it Original with Pretext

Tried downloading with ES File Explorer on Android and it failed three times. Downloaded through Chrome with no issues (very fast btw), but that forces me to move the file to the correct location to use with my podcast app, which ES File Explorer is already set to use for downloads.

Mr Pudifoot

Opened in Safari on my iPod, it works great! Keep up the good work!

Michael Schrader

Link worked just fine on my iPod touch. No problems at all and a quick download.

Big black cockatoo

Unfortunately that link works on my phone using ES explorer.

Deadeye Nick

I could not get to it on my iPod touch, but I'm avoiding updates and that may be the cause


I think I laughed so hard I hurt myself on the cruz imitation.

Jeff Sinnett

Keeps failing to download.


The WeTransfer link worked great, and played fine in the browser on my iPhone too.

Simon Tanner

Firefox on Windows, it was quicker than usual for either Patreon or Google drive. I love the fact that I live in a world where I get to worry over how quickly I can get my premium dick jokes for the week. I know Tom and Cecil can always deliver the quick D.

Simo Hyttinen

Downloaded through chrome on android. No need for app. A no-bullshit website, gives the dl link without having to click through tons of shit. Quick download (~10 seconds on 4G) and surprisingly painless. Drive kept dropping the download during the first 50% for some reason, no problems on wetransfer. 6/5 would visit gloryhole again.

Simo Hyttinen

And btw the folgers theme song cracked me up way more than it should have.


Works fine for me but no t-shirt was downloaded.

Matthew Haberlie

We Transfer worked great for me. Fast download

Valerie Nusskern

I did We Transfer and it was really fast. I any T-shirts left! Lol I am wondering if I can use the app for downloading many podcasts instead of iTunes?


We transfer worked out for me, easy fast download.


1st- love Hatebeak, my cockatoo too. 2nd- now I know the next best thing to folger's in my cup, Glory hole!