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Idaho woman born with hole in heart wants parents prosecuted

Gay North Carolina waitress reveals that customers ‘tipped’ her with Bible verse calling for her death

Prosecutor says rape case is threatened by BYU Honor Code investigation

Pope Francis: It’s aggressive narcissism to teach kids about safe sex and protection

Harlem Hate Pastor: God Told Me All Sodomites Will Get Cancer Of The Butthole Starting Today [VIDEO]

Alex Jones: GOP's Treatment Of Donald Trump 'Makes Jim Crow Look Like A Blessing'

Kamal Saleem: Liberals, Gays, Socialists And Islamists Working Together To Destroy Civilization

Did Satanic Giants Build Stonehenge?




Marcus Lemoncelli

Awesome challenge for the Amazon reviews. Figured I'd share mine here too... I recently happened upon a moral dilemma that had me both indignant and perplexed. I bore witness to two men engaged in a contest of strength. Glory, wonder, and excitement pulsed through my veins as the two met in fisticuffs. Flesh and muscle glistened with sweat until at last one contender cast his opponent down in what appeared a clear victory. Alas, the weaker man's wife approached the rightful victor from behind and grabbed him by his genitals. I was appalled as triumph was so brazenly stolen with one firm squeeze. I knew something must be done, but what? I headed to the county library in a desperate search for any book that might offer justice and quell my outrage. Hopeless, I conceded that this most serious offense would go without vengeance. With one last, desperate effort, I dove into the King James Bible. Unable to contain myself, I abandoned library etiquette as a shout of ecstasy escaped my lips when I stumbled across Deuteronomy 25:11. Who would have known proper justice for this exact scenario would have been documented in God's perfect book. Of course it was in there. As for the woman, let's just say that raising her hand in to protest God's justice was the last thing she ever did with that hand. Finally, I can sleep. It nice to know there's a book out there to solve these relevant moral dilemmas of the 21st century.