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San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus soloists 'received death threats' after satirical song is misunderstood

Amid Catholic opposition, states are legalizing composting of human remains

Geocaching While Black: Outdoor Pastime Reveals Racism And Bias

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slashes Lauren Boebert For Call To End Government Benefits

Facebook Data Showed Right-Wing Echo Chamber, Execs Were Unhappy: NYT

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Lemon Stealing Horse

There is a YouTube channel called Ask a Mortician. The host has covered subjects on avoiding embalming and natural burial. Google also turned up some options for green burial in the area of Northern Illinois. Hope that helps.

Lemon Stealing Horse

Hey, to you too. Never thought my first in the wild encounter would be here, or from a bowl of piss water. I was thinking some of the iconic corpses would make a good citation needed episode too.


I believe the Jewish religion prohibits embalming, and I don’t think that refusing a casket is a legal option anywhere in the US. Edited to add: Here’s a link to a website that says a “casket” can be made of just about anything. https://www.burialplanning.com/resources/can-you-be-buried-without-a-casket And also, here’s an article from a reputable legal website. This article is specific to Texas (where I am) but it’s easy to search out your state on the site. Apparently, a casket is not required for burial, but per basic burial laws in Texas, if a body is not disposed of within 24 hours it must be embalmed. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/burial-cremation-laws-texas.html#3 One other thing I found (but can’t find the link again quickly!) is that, generally speaking, private landowners are legally allowed to bury bodies on their land whether embalmed or not, with or without a casket. (This is provided that the death was legit, documented, etc. Legal, natural burial does not apply to murdered victims of a landowner. Lol)


Here’s some fun info: My 13 yr old Twitter acct was permanently banned in January (post-insurrection) because I called out and told off Lauren Boebert! I tried to appeal it many times and was denied. The entire 13 years that I had that account, I never received any warnings or suspensions until I received my first warning in December 2020 for being shitty to Trump. 13 year old account, only 2 warnings received (between December 2020 and January 2021), permanently banned January 16! For being shitty to a public person who deserves a lot more shitty than I threw her way! I DESPISE HER!!! I’m not too huge of a fan of Jack Dorsey, either.

Justin Campbell

That clip from The I.T. Crowd was fantastic!

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

I plan on donating my body to science. Maybe in some small way, I can help future generations.


The obvious retort to the Catholic "disrespect to bodies" argument is to point out a worldwide distribution of unmarked graves associated with Catholic activities. Lots of respect there.

Niamh Coghlan

This. So much this. I'll have to check with the Church to see how hundreds of children corpses in a SEWAGE TANK in Galway rank on the respect scale.

William Evan Barnes

I love that one of the tags for this episode is "Catholics can get fucked." Couldn't agree more!