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Araya Frellin Sunshine

Tom, you dispel my fear of tackling media I consider complicated, and I love you for it.

Jess Donovan

Tom, I feel your struggle with the symbology. It is impenetrable to a non expert. I barely just sorta kinda get it, and I was a Navy communications tech for 11 years. I applaud your efforts at even taking a swing at it.


Echoing Jess - I really enjoyed this and thought Tom's struggles with the equations were perfectly placed right after Carl asked us all to bear with them. Cracked me up! I have a chemistry degree and this stuff is early enough in physics that I had to learn it. I don't know how deeply I understand the underlying math anymore, but I would be happy to write out how to say the equations for Tom if you guys ever want to re-record this chapter. I won't bore you with the whole thing here, but for example the "no magnetic monopoles" equation is (for esoteric reasons Tom had no way of knowing) read "Curl B equals zero."


Tom’s struggles with the equations had me giggling and took me back to undergrad physics in the best possible way :)

Brian [I'll add something witty when the amount of caffine in my system reaches critical mass]

Google searches for Maxwell's equations have gone up 1834% since this chapter was posted (number made up in an attempt to make this funny) and not a single one of those people understand them either. The quotes at the beginning of this chapter are chilling. It amazes me how far we've fallen from respecting and admiring science to mocking and denying it outright in 200 years.