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Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Fauci heard on hot mic calling Roger Marshall 'a moron' after heated questioning | The Independent

Dr. Anthony Fauci's Spit-Roasting of Rand Paul Was Utterly Refreshing

Trump Hangs Up on NPR When Host Pushes Back on Election Lies - Rolling Stone




Hey, Tom. That asshole on the right that said parents would use child tax credits for drugs was Joe Manchin

Liam Appelbe

Hi guys. I'm pretty sure the bit in Demon Haunted World where the Queen ordered the scientists to invent TV was a hypothetical. I don't think this ever actually happened.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

Tom's idea about sexy military car washes may be the best thing I've ever heard.

Aaron Rodriguez

I’ll definitely buy a copy of the audiobook but if you do that signed physical copy idea that you had a few weeks back I’m totally on board.


Listening to another podcast, a guy who had never protested anything before went to a BLM protest. The police showed up and barricaded the streets. They warned the protesters to disperse. There was no way to leave due to police barricades. When asked, they were told to head off in some direction where they would be allowed to past, so the crowd headed off. They ran into another police barricade to repeat the previous warning, and told to head back where they came from where they would be allowed to leave. Guess what, the police there wouldn't let them pass and told them to head back the way they came where they would be allowed to leave. Of course they weren't allowed to leave. This tactic was done to grant the police the ability to arrest the protesters since they were "warned" three times to disperse and didn't. It took over 18 hours to "process" the protesters as slowly as they could. Not only are people with the wrong skin color not allowed to protest. If you hold the wrong ideology you're also not allowed to protest. The right cries about "cancel culture" then gleefully cancels anyone that dares to think differently. The left has its issues, but they seem to be more targeted while the right broadly attacks free speech.