Episode 163: Sad Trombones (Patreon)
2014-07-11 18:25:16
Hey Patrons!
Enjoy a very early episode of our show. Have a great weekend!
[All the stories are linked in our twitter and facebook feeds]
Pastor At Religious Right Event Predicts Church Will Soon Cure HIV
Todd Starnes Warns Of Anti-Duck Dynasty Violence, Links Same-Sex Marriage To Healthy Food Initiatives
Islamic State's Soothing System
Colorado offered free birth control — and teen births fell by 40 percent
'Colourful football shoes made World Cup a homosexual abomination,' says Russian priest
Drought Spurs Interest in Water Dowsing
US judge says lesbians can be ‘cured’ by male soldiers
Kentucky GOP lawmaker defends coal: ‘We all agree’ Mars is the same temperature as Earth
We used a tiny clip of Angel by Sarah McLachlan. You can buy her album here: