Episode 165: The Most Courteous Dinosaur (Patreon)
2014-07-20 20:46:35
Thanks for the support, here is the latest episode a bit early!
MN Repub candidate with weird ideas about AIDS also thinks dinosaurs ‘lived with man’
42 Percent of Muslims Polled by Pew Research Think Suicide Bombing and Other Violence Against Civilians Are at Least Occasionally Justified
Child Abuse at Christian Boot Camps Exposed After Survivors Speak Out
Janet Parshall Says Satan Is Behind Opposition To Ex-Gay Therapy
Peter LaBarbera Says Doctors Who Perform Sex Reassignment Surgery Should Be Imprisoned
Michele Bachmann calls immigrant children ‘invaders’ and compares them to rapists
Pat Robertson tells mother: Your son’s stomach pains are caused by a witch ancestor
Adam Reakes Podcast - The Herd Mentality
Episode 67: http://herdmentalitypodcast.com/episodes.php
Play our Mad Libviticus!