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Jess Donovan

AUSSIES! Please read Until midnight tomorrow night the Federal Government is asking for comment on the National School Chaplaincy Program. Bet yr arse that the bad guys are letting them know what they think and I reckon our side of the fence oughta show 'em some bile too. And cos I don't use social media, if you guys could publicize this too, I would be ever so grateful. Link: https://dandolopartners.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5pyqFknmzew89tY I just wish I had found out earlier...

Anthony Fieno

How do you come up with this stuff 😂


It’s … glory-us!

William Evan Barnes

Holy shit yes Ian! This is like if Meat Canyon wrote a short radio drama

Douglas JM

Junji Ito. https://junjiitomanga.fandom.com/wiki/The_Enigma_of_Amigara_Fault

Douglas JM

I always love a good Junji Ito reference.