[Early Content] Episode 340: Alternative Facts (Patreon)
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In this episode, Cecil and Tom talk about the Women's Marches throughout the U.S. During the Women's March, Nazi Richard Spencer was punched in the face on air. Cecil and Tom discuss the problem with using violence and how we can't give up our moral high ground. Donald Trump has been busy during his first week in office. Trump signed a number of executive orders including The Sanctity of Human Life Act that declares the right to life is guaranteed in the constitution, and it begins at fertilization aka "Make America get coat hangers again" - Cecil. They also discuss a story about how some creationists are claiming Beowulf proves humans and dinosaurs coexisted.
Stories we covered in episode:
- Father and son accused of raping 13-year-old girl only want to be judged by the laws of the Bible
- H.R.586 - Sanctity of Human Life Act
- Rick Joyner: Women’s March Was ‘A Blatant Manifestation Of The Jezebel Spirit’
- Jim Bakker: Trump’s Critics Look ‘Demon-Possessed’
- Donald Trump Reinstates Ronald Reagan’s Abortion ‘Global Gag Rule’
- Rick Joyner: Rain During Trump’s Inauguration Was A Sign Of ‘A Blessing From God’
- Creationists Claim Beowulf Proves Humans and Dinosaurs Coexisted
- Kellyanne Conway: WH Spokesman Gave ‘Alternative Facts’ on Inauguration Crowd
Extra Stories:
- A National Pizza Chain Has Introduced an ‘Alternative Facts’ Zero-Calorie Pie
- Are scientists going to march on Washington?
- Death Metal Rooster ft. Drumming Washing Machine
Inauguration Live Show:
A shout out to Camp Quest!
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