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I always thought Go-Gurt reminded me of placenta juice. You guys get me!


it is obvious this episode was recorded before the firing of Sally Yates and the loosening of the sanctions against Russia

Mike Koeppen

I would really like to hear the Putin phone call ...Oh wait they stopped the recording.

Rhonda Walton

Thank you so much, you guys! I'm 50 years old and my husband and I celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary on Monday the 27th, we've been together 'happily for sure' for 20 years. This has been a rough time for us. We were both Bernie supporters...but when the DNC decided to screw everyone in the ass we parted ways (politically). I reluctantly voted for Hillary, my husband voted for the fucking cheetoh. There is now a moratorium in our home on political speech for (hopefully only) the next four years. My adult children and I can discuss these things in a civil manner (we are all in political agreement), but my husband has ALWAYS hated Hillary Clinton. He's one of those you speak of as in approval of Trump, even though he is a liberal. I don't understand it and I never will. Thank you Donald Trump, you fucking asshole... for causing such a riff in my family, and particularly my marriage. *argh*