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Simo Hyttinen

Holy shit, I looked at the title and thought it was gonna be bad news... It's a deepfake ad y'all

Erin Hall

Ok waking up to see there was a post at 3am (west coast) called "Tom", while he has really bad covid, really freaked me out. I'll take silly AI over what first popped in my head.


OMG. I want whatever version of NyQuil DF Tom is on. “…over AMorous”🎵🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also, yeah… I thought at first it might be bad news, too. Yikes! But then thought, “Not even Ian would post a goofy title if this is going to be worrisome news…. Right?…RIGHT!?” 🫣😅


My brain is really struggling with consciousness this morning because of the time change. Finding and listening to this from my feed made me question whether I was actually awake.

jon f mcdropout

this is a horror movie in audio form.

Jay Voigt

I saw this in my notifications and had a moment of panic, I also thought it might be terrible news.

Jammin Jesse Buckner

Absolutely 💯 hilarious 😂 😃 😄 So coool 😎 💙💙💙

Anthony Fieno

Had to hold my laughter in so hard while at work omg lol 😂

Peter Kyrouac

Once he starts singing, Robo-Tom reminds me a little of Markaplier, Tomaplier, if you will.


I'm picturing Gary doing this voice.

Laura Lusby

Oh dear god that song HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Lisa Ham

True dedication to the craft of writing commercials that you need to decrease the volume of if you encounter a passerby while listening to it.

Haeley Curry

Omg it weirdly sounds like both Tom and Cecil at the same time.

Haeley Curry

Also that's way more vocal range than Tom actually has. His singing voice is strangely monotone. The price you pay for having such an awesome speaking voice I guess 🤷