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Elon Musk threatens to reassign @NPR on Twitter to 'another company'

GOP megadonor covered tuition for child Clarence Thomas was raising ‘as a son’: report | The Hill

Trump 2024 Ad Claiming U.S. ‘Decline’ Under Biden Uses Images Taken During Trump’s Presidency

Christian evangelists at Boston's SatanCon claim about 100 people converted: 'We're in a battle' | Fox News

Newsmax Host: Schools Are Building Dark Army For Devil Worshipers | Crooks and Liars

Tucker Carlson helped broker the deal that made Kevin McCarthy House speaker after 14 failed votes, text messages show

Texas’s Solution to School Shootings: Training 8-Year-Olds in “Battlefield Trauma Care” | Vanity Fair



Graydon Armstrong

I think deadpan satire is more important than ever; it teaches that absurdity isn't always flagged for you, you have to actually evaluate what you're being told. If people thought more about things before absorbing them, we probably wouldn't be where we are. The problem isn't satire, it's that reality has become so nuts that it's difficult to satirise.


Republicans want to have your 9 year old go from learning how to tourniquet your friends’ gunshot wounds, after a school shooting to working the midnight shift at the meat packing plant.

Claire Nollet

Re packing: We were a career Marine Corps family who moved a lot. By age 5, I had been trained so well, you could give me a pile of newspapers, and the contents of the fine china cabinet, and I'd have the contents packed so carefully, we never lost even a teacup.

Claire Nollet

Re battlefield first aid: In the 1960s, we were taught first aid for burns and flying glass in grade school in case of a nuclear war.