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Tom. Tom I feel you. Tom I feel so seen right now. I wish I had these stories as a self-contained clip that I could share with people when they ask why I don't know where anything is exactly

Jason Fehlauer

Tom’s only basis for objective reality is his calendar. 😁

Minister of Etc

It seems the only reason christian nationalism needs Christianity is so they can hate who they want to hate without fear of repercussions, and to short-circuit any debate by masking "muh feelings" behind the mask of divine mandate.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Do you have a specific time code we could clip? If it's less than 3 minutes, we might be able to make a shareable reel/tiktok/YT short with the audio.


Bioshock 3 may have been a mess in a lot of ways, but the underlying Christianity-inspired, Mythical America worshipping of Columbia feels dead on to what Christian Nationalists want.


Excellent discussion!

Stormy Decisis says visit sharebannedbooks.com

What Cecil was saying about non nationalist Christians showing up reminded me of the book White Too Long, which I think would make a great book club pick. It's written by a pastor about the intertwining of Christianity and racism and the profound difficulty in separating the two. Strongly recommend

Hai-Ting (as in, the sound of a small bell)

You mentioned that if someone were perverting your beliefs, you would want to fight back. These people seem to be doing so: https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/ I would love to hear you guys talk to someone from their org—might make a great interview. Article about the movement: https://time.com/6242260/christians-against-christian-nationalism-violence/


Good reco! ^_^ I just started listening to this episode and was about to recommend: - White Too Long (Robert P Jones): GREAT book about the history and trends of the SBC and political Christianity, and of course racism therein. - Taking America Back for God (Andrew L Whitehead & Samuel L. Perry): EXCELLENT book empirically analyzing the beliefs and stats specifically surrounding Christian nationalism in the US. It examines and dissects the same subject matter as this article and pod episode with the depth and objectivity (and with the data) that you might wish the article had. **HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!** edit to add: turns out this book was specifically referenced in the article. - The Evangelicals (Frances FitzGerald): A fairly long and very detailed look at how evangelicals shaped sociopolitical movements, from 1800's on, that led to this kind of Christian nationalism. - The Founding Myth (Andrew Seidel): Breaks down just how wrong the myths surrounding Christian nationalism really are.


Christianity both excuses the hate and bestows forgiveness for any action done in the name of god.


The part at 11:46 reminds me: I'm a Skeptic first, Humanist always and atheist by association. Atheism is the least part of my identity. As I thought about it, atheism is defining one's self by what one is not. I'm not a lawyer, that doesn't make me an alawyer. Usually when you say you're not something, it usually to clarify something that been misattributed to you. It's like I never lost my faith; it just evaporated like a pot of water over a flame of rationalism and critical thinking. The only thing remaining is the religion-induced self-esteem issues that I've been overcoming. When people attempt to bolt other ideology onto atheism, it becomes more like anti-theism, which can become very antagonistic. I'm not for religion, I think it needs to die, but I don't attacking religion is the way to go. People still have positive views of religion. The trick is to help people parse the good parts from the bad. I think the problem is we lack of ubiquitous presence of religion. One can go into a new town, enter a church and be greeting with friendship right away (obviously, like everyone a first date, they save their brand of weirdness and baggage for later) and they will help you. But religion is like a backloaded mutual fund - no upfront costs, but you'll pay along the way, and pay heavily when you pull out. (Speaking of pulling out, go to Adam & Eve .com and use code glory).