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Indictment Against Trump Is Unsealed: Live Updates - The New York Times

Pat Robertson, Who Gave Christian Conservatives Clout, Is Dead at 93 - The New York Times

Mike Pence, Who Won’t Interact Alone with Women Other Than His Wife, Launches Presidential Bid

Mike Pence would rather see armed school guards than gun control reforms

Biden vetoes measure overturning student loan forgiveness plan | The Hill




Granted I’m no one. I have no expertise here but, I believe that the only reason people in government are clinging to Trump is bc power. Trump is just a method, a useful tool to get what they really want which is power. Some are diehard trumpers like mtg or Boebert but they’re just fools who drank the kool-aid. The rest though, it’s a means to an end.


Why are you the first take by someone not in Washington about the Trump indictment that doesn't give him the benefit of the doubt! Thanks for keeping it real


I would be happy if they back-cancel the interest on Student Loans. I had $21,000 in Student Loans and have paid $27,000 towards them. I have just under $17k left to pay, so that $27,000 basically was interest payments.

Marcus Carbine

I think the Pence family crest is split down the middle with milk on the left and un-buttered toast on the right. The Pence Family animal, a suicidal blobfish, is pictured above the crest.

Petra Khor

One vote for a "spite prism" to shine rainbows on his grave stone. Cheaper than flowers.

Sketchy Intentions, Disreputable Endeavors

I think Trump mirrors the religious, conspiracy theory, and/or hate group mindsets in that one first believes whatever she/he desires to be true, and then interprets the world in such a way to maintain this belief at all costs. Trump is a pathological liar that is extremely self-centered. Thus, he proclaims "alternative facts" and "fake news" whenever reality is inconvenient, and he just states whatever he wants to be true as if it is an undeniable fact that needs no further evidence. He also relies on social validation as a means to support his positions (simplistically, if the people around me agree, then it must be true). I think the Christian right loved this entire demeanor, confidence, and unwillingness to address reality/evidence. It's far simpler and more psychologically satisfying to presume that you're always right, rather than diligently pursue the evidence, remain open to alternative ideas/perspectives, and to admit your own ignorance/mistakes/shortcomings.