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Lashes for Saudi woman who called morality police liars: newspaper Shi'ite militia kill dozens of Iraqi Sunnis in mosque shooting Ohio anti-abortion leader: Ban public nudity, breastfeeding because boobs promote Gay Pride Gene Mills: Shelters Should Turn Away Transgender Domestic Abuse Survivors Linda Harvey: LGBT Rights Ushering In 'The End Times Or The End Of America — Or Both' - Fischer: God Will Use ISIS To Punish America For Gay Rights



Dr. H

I so look forward to spending time with you two.

Sam Gyseman

Hey Glory Hole! I did receive your offer of a recording. I'm still pondering what to ask for. Have to say, I enjoyed this live show so much, more than some recent ones, though they're all good and I really feel I got my dollar value on it. Good job guys. "Giant worms" always makes me grin :D so keep it in or I'LL UNSUBSCRIBE!! RAAWRR!

The Illuminaughty

I would guess that equating transvestite with transgender, or just blurring the definitions, is the (or one) issue. A couple times it sounded a bit like you were implying that someone in drag just for show, and someone who feels their anatomy and identity don't match, were basically the same. The strict fundamentalist religious types often can't or won't recognize the differences between sexual orientation (hetero-, homo-, bi-, or pan-sexual), personal sex identity (woman or man in the opposite body, or intersexed), gender expression (masculine, feminine, genderqueer) or mode of dress (transvestite). While I, as a guy comfortable in the typical identity and expression options, can understand the blurriness around the edges of those categories when looked at from an outside perspective, I would guess those living within them would probably like to be better understood by those who are on their side. I'm certainly no expert, but I guess the "LGBT" Wikipedia article is a decent starting point, which you could contrast with the article for "Transvestism".

Natasha Wilding

My personal point of view... I think the things that irked me the most was the description of a transwoman. I'm not trying to emulate a woman, I am who I am. I do get called out as "a dude in a dress" and it's incredibly hurtful. Thankfully the majority of people I come into contact with are respectful enough to use pronouns more acceptable to the way I present. You did refer to the fictional transwoman as he throughout the piece, but so did the guy in the clip.