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“In the Shitter”: Democratic Rep. Reads Out Entire List of Trump Crimes | The New Republic

First co-defendant in Trump Georgia election case pleads guilty

Death of Dianne Feinstein: Newsom Faces Pressure to Quickly Appoint a Replacement - The New York Times

Hours After Gag Order, Trump Launches Fresh Vitriol Against New York Judge

Tennessee Woman Denied Medically Necessary Abortion Is Running For Office

Idaho Banned Abortion. Then It Turned Down Supports for Pregnancies and Births. — ProPublica

Kevin McCarthy ousted as House Speaker in historic vote | Reuters

Nobel Prize goes to scientists who made mRNA COVID vaccines possible

Anti-Vaxxers Think an Emergency Phone Alert Will Cause a Zombie Apocalypse



Dan Duivel

I'll never understand right-wing nutjobs & their vaccine conspiracies 🙄 So the emergency signal test was to zombify those who were jabbed. But the right didn't get them, so do they think we're zombifying ourselves? I'm amazed these people know how to tie their own shoes 🙄

Dan Duivel

Best moment: Tom: "So, were they thinking - and I know I'm taking this too far - we're they thinking..." Cecil: "No." 🤣🤣🤣

Jay Voigt

I fucking love you guise!

Eric Denton

Hasert was a convicted child molester

Eric Denton

Feinstein also… Flew the confederate flag over SF city hall. Made $600 mil off the Iraq war. Prosecuted women who had abortions. Argued with elementary school kids over climate change. https://youtu.be/Sb4ddeF91-I?si=W5SHge0mtHWaBhBt


I appreciate the “Return of the Living Dead” zombie reference and the reason they eat brains is bc it hurts to be dead apparently and brains are their Vicodin. So when you call in, you just need to explain you’re dead and jonesing something fierce for gray matter based pain relievers. If I was your boss, I’d give you the week off. Just that week though, after that it’s FMLA time.

Jason Fehlauer

I was on the toilet when that EBS test went off… it caused me to spontaneously download.