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As a bad chemist, no that's not how THC and pot works. Basically the thing that does the thing doesn't do the thing until it gets heated up enough to "decarboxylate". A natural plant will have extra carbons and stuff attached to the molecules that do the thing so that they don't do the thing. You need to heat it up to a certain level so that the carbons detach and allow The molecules to attach to the bits in your system to do the thing. Edibles have already had that part done so they're potent. Non edibles need the heat of a flame to do the thing. Natural plants won't do the thing, because there's other atoms attached to the molecules that prevent it from grabbing into your brains molecules Edit: Better way to explain it- Pot is heat activated. Without enough heat it didn't do the thing. You need to burn it or heat up the stuff for it to do the thing. Also what are you talking about Australians having heavy coins? Australia was the country that invented plastic money so we had proper notes of money. Hint hint, the US STILL doesn't have plastic money, you're still using paper crap. Imagine being in the US and pretending that Australia has worse money than you lol. Imagine being an American still using paper money that the rest of the world moved on from decades ago and thinking you can make fun of anyone else's money. Tell me about your power points without switches next. We (the civilised world) have been tapping to pay for a decade, but you're still arguing with Apple if it's ok for you to use Tap to pay but still somehow needing to pay a tip. I love you guys. Please keep being the idiot Americans you are and acting like anything the US does is the standard anymore. Seriously, signed an Australian. Yes an Australian, even us Kangaroo Ranglers are beyond you in the US now.