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Phew! Sorry for taking too long! Been some hectic days! But I'm back -flexes-

Who knew the Bavarian Illuminati were a bunch of bondage sadists?? They took a lot of examples from Finé.

An alternate outcome where they all lose to Saint-Germain, Cagliostro and Prelati, so Adam gets to have his ways with them It looks like it's up to Kirika and Shirabe to rescue them!

30 Variants (ring gag and blindfold) available in the Drive folder in the Bonus pic community chat!

Perhaps we'll get to see a part 2 in the future. If you wish to suggest ideas for a sequel, you can just comment below, hehe!




Nice muscle 💪, Bagelbomb!! Also juicy art


A fine addition to my Symphogear collection.


Everything is better in a group, especially sadistic bondage! :D


Still didnt watched symphogear, but a transformation sequence would be funny with bondage outfits. On the other hand a comic with Chris and Fine would be interesting....

Legend Aragon

Very hot bagel always appreciate symphogear girls bondage


Super lovely to see this many girls tied by you at once, they make for a nice damsel collection hehehe

milen one

Perhaps a failed rescue attempt? 😏


So many ladies at once! You really spoiled us with this one, Bagel. Thank you for this wonderful treat!


Love the details of Maria leg's muscles getting squeeze out by the tightness of the rope, that's so hot


Nice to see you try at Chris again Funny how your artstyle has evolved since then, more focus on thin linework and attention to detail

Jon Murphy

Love the panty hoods❤️