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Fangs! Streamers!

Actually something inspired by Issa (I recommend supporting her). I decided to go with a slightly different take on her strait-jacket thingy, hehe

Either way, one devoted fan really wanted to spend some good time with Iono. I'd say it's more of an overkill... but oh well!! At least he gets something out of it 😈

Variants to be included:

€10 pledgers can suggest variants and additions!




I gotta say nintendo is really good at designing poke girls

Iriga Avo

Can we get a pokéball gag variant?

Noob 86

How about a topless straight jacket, barefoot, and put ball gag variants all together on lono.


Tapefold and blindfold


Wooooaaaahhh this looks so good.


An ahegao variant would be neat


This is AMAZING! I never thought of the potential of having a poll directly in front of a sybian to chain a collar to! I also LOVE Iono’s frustrated and desperate expression, as well as the motion lines that show she’s struggling/twitching! 🙏


a pantyhood variant would be 🔥


Oh lordy she angy and I’m all for it


Dildo on the pole for a blow job training. Maybe a stupid addition for that: some pair of this U shaped magnets, that force her to suck the dildo. One could be around the neck/attached on the collar and the other on the pole under the dildo. I love Iono so much. She looks amazing. Praticaly this, just with magnetic force for her gym leader themen: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=ebed1bc4cb2a93a4&sca_upv=1&q=blow+job+trainer+spring+bondage&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0A6bwEop21ehxKWq5cj-cHa02QUie7apaStVTrDAEoT1CkRGSL-1wA3X2bR5dRYtRFPY-gn-5Wlw3NyKB2CnD9yjLK_mePsDZK0nLiFPspVcDAE6lYtge6tbSeH6KXoVs379pFeOmsAlRcR-TJdi05wZoz3olkbdMt8Tz7dA8014Fw07KV15hznm1KIyIW0kNQcasbS&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5zJ_8wuCIAxXJgv0HHfrFAKIQtKgLegQIERAB&biw=360&bih=667&dpr=3#vhid=v90q07_R4s7JEM&vssid=mosaic


May be more rope and topless cause never see much topless bondage iono art


Love seeing a girl tied up on Sybian.


Love me a good straitjacket 😍 maybe an ahegao face or an expression where shes more into it?


Soso excited to see this, Iono is easily one of my favorite pokegals hehehe, absolutely love the expression you gave her, I imagine her as being a lot more prickly when she’s not in streamer mode so it really fits that idea eheh Would love to see a hair pinning tape wrap gag if possible hehe


Can you give her a harness plug gag?


Pleaseeee add barefoot that would be the icing on this masterpiece 🤤


Who is this Issa character you speak of?


That chain holding her head onto a dildo that's put on the pole infront of her would be pretty hot! 🔥


He probably means issa castagno here on patreon she makes pretty good stuff