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So we got a winner! Momo and Toga! Toga impersonates Momo and attends a training session with Ochako. 

Unaware of the situation, Ochako agrees with the doppleganger! Toga stricty ties Ochako in  an inverted position. Knowing that there is no way for her to escape, she waits patiently for Momo to untie her. However, the doppleganger is revealed to be Himiko Toga, who used the opportunity to keep Ochako away. Stuck in a rather strict bondage, Ochako struggles furiously, however, Toga mocks Ochako and transforms into her. Toga leaves her strictly tied in this position with the intention of getting closer to Deku

I'm open for dialogue suggestions! Any former suggestions can be modified to the new premise!


Ballgag Harness
Ringag + DROOOOL
Tape Wrap

Some of you wished for me to draw her Uravity uniform, however, I believe it's gonna be quite difficult to implement it, given that her boots are too thick for the ropework, so it means that I would have to redraw it, which might be a hassle.

(Characters are depicted as 18+)



Jason Hong (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 19:20:24 Upside down bondage! <3
2020-12-10 00:50:28 Upside down bondage! <3

Upside down bondage! <3


Was this cause of my comment on the last post or....


Oh geez, hope the ringag variant isn't too drooly. I always get grossed out by that stuff, though I know I'm kind of in the minority. This is gonna be an amazing piece either way!


That's appreciated, though I hope you weren't taking what I said as a criticism! Your art is always amazing, so I'm sure I'll end up loving the finished work regardless.


Oh no, I understand! I always try to find a good balance, so I appreciated your comment! ♡


Toga: it is boring. how u hang down like a sack of potatos. You school says go beyond plus ultra. I will help you dance in my net.... I hope this writen right in english.


maybe not for this one, but it would be nice to see some feathers and tickling

jimmy tam

love barefeet bondage art


Armbinder, ring gag, nipple d-rings


armbinder, vibes, tanktop


Vibes. A substantial amount of vibes. With that, either a ball gag or a ring gag. Two if my personal preferences. In the end, it's up to you. But those are my suggestions.


Thanks for the ring gag as always 😌


P.S looks like she's barefoot is that correct


Blindfold too please?


Aheago face with ball gag or ring gag and nipple vibrators would be amazing


any chance of a hood? I feel like toga would be extra mean x


Looking forward to the ring gag +drool variant! Thanks for including it!


Ya I feel like toga wouldn't pull any stops lots of vibrator s and a hood