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Time for another round of the theme poll suggestions! This time, we're going with some skin tight uniforms, such as latex bodysuits, catsuits, leotard, you name it! 

Simply suggest your character + what sort of uniform you'd like to see them in!

Have fun!


The Ochako pic will be done by tomorrow, stay tune!



Camie Utsushimi from My Hero Academia


mirajane strauss (fairytail) in a latex body suit and an armbinder

wong dong

Chihiro Morimura (13 sentinels aegis rim ) in her catsuit


Tifa: White latex suit with a black latex corset, black latex boots, and a latex armbinder, Collar and a white ball/black strap ball gag harness. The theme is skin tight uniform, I assume we get to design the uniform? If so then this is what I would like to see.


Elizabeth liones from seven deadly skns in her initial reveal. (Black body suit outfit) https://aminoapps.com/c/nanatsu-no-taizai/page/item/elizabeth-liones/L64r_rnIBIYGjMr3pP5wVRxYjqQlwaWqNr


Link in the Shiekah set from BOTW. I've never seen you do a trap so it could be a fun change of pace.


D.va from overwatch https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/571/850/558/anime-anime-girls-overwatch-d-va-overwatch-wallpaper-preview.jpg


Ryuko. Either in her own suit or shiny latex that don’t cover “thing one and thing two”


Scathach in her second ascension bodysuit from Fate/Grand Order.

Keith Carlson

Seras Victoria from Hellsing in anything latex


Akeno Himejima from Highschool DxD in a catsuit.


Not trying to be mean but if there hasn't been a trap there's a reason....nobody here is paying for that ^^


Xayah from League of Legends in a nice latex bodysuit. the suit is a bit special around her feet so that it keeps her talons free


Eleonore Bianca from misfit of demon academy in a tight latex suit


Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 in her phantom thief oufit.

Latibro-maj (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 20:45:51 Nancy Lee from Ninja Slayer in a Latex Catsuit 😋 https://www.google.com/search?q=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiSn-q85cTtAhVZ_4UKHfVZBtEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHlD-EFiIOGDYOWgAcAB4AIABdYgBoAiSAQQxMi4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ds3SX5KME9n-lwT1s5mIDQ&bih=789&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=isvn#imgrc=nkwq1vlrspf-ZM
2020-12-11 01:39:01 Nancy Lee from Ninja Slayer in a Latex Catsuit 😋 https://www.google.com/search?q=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiSn-q85cTtAhVZ_4UKHfVZBtEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHlD-EFiIOGDYOWgAcAB4AIABdYgBoAiSAQQxMi4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ds3SX5KME9n-lwT1s5mIDQ&bih=789&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=isvn#imgrc=nkwq1vlrspf-ZM

Nancy Lee from Ninja Slayer in a Latex Catsuit 😋 https://www.google.com/search?q=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiSn-q85cTtAhVZ_4UKHfVZBtEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Nancy+lee+ninja+slayer&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHlD-EFiIOGDYOWgAcAB4AIABdYgBoAiSAQQxMi4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ds3SX5KME9n-lwT1s5mIDQ&bih=789&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=isvn#imgrc=nkwq1vlrspf-ZM

Viewer 101

Ayane Of Dead Or Alive in gymnastics leotard please.☕️


Ryuko from Kill La Kill in her own suit from the anime


Bayonetta in her usual tight form fitting attire. Could always use more doms being dommed!

Jason Stocks

Raphtalia + lifeguard bikini.


Wii fit trainer in her normal fitness wear


Syndra From League of Legends in a latex suit


Maria Cadenzavna from symphogear. After the previous picture of the character from this franchise was so good, it would be great to see Part 2 in the new year. Her battlesuit is tight enough just remove armor parts https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/senkizesshousymphogear/images/e/e5/Maria_Symphogear_XV.png/revision/latest?cb=20190524133530


Makoto or ann from persona 5

Astorius Blake

Raven from Teen Titans (Aged up version of course)

Joshua Setser

An aged up ladybug from miraculous ladybug, trussed up by her mischievous partner. Her hero costume is a latex body suit in the show


Edit: Mrs. Incredible, she thicc af


Can’t talk about skintight without mentioning Zero Suit Samus