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My Christmas present to you all! I've been prepping for Christmas, but I haven't forgotten about you all!

In this new addition to the BAD END series, we got Yor Forger who was lured into docked ship. Facing a fabled assassin from Ostania, the elite wishes to capture her and use her for their hedonistic motives! Although she put up a fight, her powerful strength was not enough to bring down the fearsome brute, who by one gentle swing, manages to subdue her. With no way to escape the tight binding he applies on her, she's forcefully tied down to a cart like a cargo...

$10 pledgers what would you like to see in Page 4 and 5?




Looks great so far!

True Tactician

Slave Auction on page 4 and her being displayed as furniture or a trophy on page 5


On page 4, she's being presented in a slave auction. Page 5, she's being used sexually by her new master for hedonistic pleasures (Groping, licking). Maybe some explicit material for page 5 since she's older, similar to Asuna and Karin's project in the past few months.


I second this idea, but for page 5, have her be a footrest in a bitchsuit


Seeing how Yor is incredibly strong it’d be nice to see something involving heavy bindings in the next pages, maybe a combination of straps tape and chains, and maybe the last page could be her locked up in a cell in sensory deprivation

Send help (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 01:31:50 Bound and nude at an auction in page 4, on display as a decoration centerpiece at her new home in page 5!
2023-12-25 01:29:05 Bound and nude at an auction in page 4, on display as a decoration centerpiece at her new home in page 5! Page 5 could also be a ransom message to Loid!

Bound and nude at an auction in page 4, on display as a decoration centerpiece at her new home in page 5! Page 5 could also be a ransom message to Loid!

ZeroBeta (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 01:33:29 How about that yor ends as sl
2023-12-25 01:32:47 How about that yor ends up as slave in a illegal casino. Imaging her as bunny girl in heavy restrains, she even cant break. Page 4 could her serving in the casino. Page 5 yor damage to much off the casino and hurts the guest. She ended up on the casino table as bet/main prize.

How about that yor ends up as slave in a illegal casino. Imaging her as bunny girl in heavy restrains, she even cant break. Page 4 could her serving in the casino. Page 5 yor damage to much off the casino and hurts the guest. She ended up on the casino table as bet/main prize.


It could be cool to see collared and leashed/lead by or to her buyer in p4 and maybe being fondled in a bondage position in p5! I really like the arms behind back and leg spreader bar but that's just me


Oh also vibrators to train her would be really alluring!


Bruh that cart and the gag fitted so tightly are so hot! One of my favs in a while

Iriga Avo

What I’d like to see in the 4th or 5th page is some Christmas themed bounding like her being wrapped like a present 🎁 or with in a present 🎁 or as a Christmas tree 🎄.

Momo Trotro

Great sequence already. I’d suggest p4 would be her trained/processed for her new home & p5 would be her as the piece le resistance in some deranged art gallery, either mounted on the wall in a vacbed or put in a bondage frame as a trophy/statue for all guests to see and admire


Firstly, thank you for the Christmas Present and hope the day brings you joy as well!! 🌲🎄🎁I would say page 4 would have her being lead by a leash and showing that she is still struggling to escape, but not really making any progress. Page 5, is would say make it clear that she is still holding on, but has been turned took to be used for her new owner’s pleasure. As long as we get to see her assets well displayed, I’ll be happy.


Have her bruised up a bit and with her hair down like in the final two episodes of the cruise arc.




I’d say maybe Loid comes to the rescue but decides to keep he in her bondage.

Su Yazzi

this is gonna be great!


Looks amazing! I’d love to see gag physically put on her in p3 since you draw those so well. Regardless, I’m excited to see what you decide to do!


Since it’s the year of the rabbit maybe have page 4 be her forced in a bunny suit and the guards complaining she almost killed a bunch of them by the time they had finished dressing her. She’s either in an auction or forced to work at a casino

天越 黃

Vibrator and ahegao


Agree with most others, p4 slave auction with some collar action, p5 tightly tied in the home of her new owner (maybe let things get a bit sexual/explicit if you're up to it)

Agree with Zillavader and Bianca708, being on a leash is a good idea similar to previous TIFA(https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-winner-2-34150041?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link) I also want to give P3 some suggestions. I think Yor can be packed in a translucent box to indicate that it is being transported secretly (If it’s too much trouble, just pretend I didn’t say anything~) All in all this is the art I've been most excited about in recent months!!


setting at a private club.maybe a China dress, tied in a suspension hogtie, near to a table lined up with toys, for everyone free to use. And every exoosed for everyone to grope and fondle her. her legs tied to a bar spreader to expose her back, defenseless


Topless nipple vibe maybe thank you for the Christmas present merry Christmas


Merry Christmas Bagel! Love this BAD END already, especially the cart bondage. Keeping Yor on her knees is mean haha

Viewer 101

Give her a wedgie too!

Roscoe Grange

Maybe this goes against the "Bad End" theme, but I would love if it was revealed that this was all part of some elaborate role play with Loid.