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Thank you all for your suggestions! You guys have some impeccable taste and it really drove me to finish these sketches as fast as possible! Hehe! I aim to comic done with by the end of the month or in the beginning of january! Wish me luck!

 I was aiming to pull in an explicit scene, but could not fit it in with the panels! But it shouldn't matter!




Loving the 4th page and the 5th page is very original. Nicely done.

Su Yazzi

my goodness, gorgeous work! looking forward to this one


Ya know what would be a fun twist? If Loid bought her and was still treating her like a pet. Still bad end but slightly wholesome at the same time.

It's a pity that panels can't be used


Incredible. Yes. Good.


Yeah, I would have to add a 6th page, but I believe I'd be using too much energy for that

Keep going, but don't exhaust yourself. Not urgent


Wow this might be the best BAD END yet! Love the auction and training ideas that others suggested. Impeccable taste indeed!


Oh my god this is amazing. Think you so much


very amazing, a final explicit page would be the ultimate finish for future bad end


We need more MC content from you, it's SO GOOD

Love Soi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-09 03:28:33 I've been thinking about this for a while, but when drawing pubic hair, please make variations with and without it. I honestly don't like it very much
2024-01-05 13:06:46 I've been thinking about this for a while, but when drawing pubic hair, please make variations with and without it. I honestly don't like it very much

I've been thinking about this for a while, but when drawing pubic hair, please make variations with and without it. I honestly don't like it very much