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Thought I'd add in a follow-up page after such a dark turn! Just to ease the mood up, hehe! 

This is just a black and white special, so it won't be colored! 




Oh Yor, as childish as ever I see





Yo, this is cute as hell! Got me mad jealous that I don't have a cute guy offering their bed to me when I have "nightmares" too...


Oh man, i would have loved to see an actual page where Loid saves Yor.

27_thundercracker (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 02:43:40 SAVED
2023-12-29 15:19:00 SAVED



From Bad End series to Happy End series.😃


Ok but the Bad End getting dark and then getting a rescue sequence/happy resolution is somehow even better!


Yooo we got the page 7 happy ending, thats a W.


Damn. Big W.


Love Yor saying she's "into that" since your last art of her had her doing it to herself


And no one slept this night... (If ya know what i mean ;)


omfg Bagel, this is adorable! that first panel makes her so headpat worthy XD

Momo Trotro

I love this, the precious ending!


This makes me feel much better about that previous part, and is quite adorable. Such a great way to have the best of both worlds with this Bad End. :)

Zyrokiss Arts

Much needed healing…

Renegade Doge

reads like a scene right out of the show XD


That was really well done, feels just right for the characters nice job mate!


As hot as the last page was, Im glad things turned out this way after all


How is the progress going?


Well, it's kinda lengthy, so it's prolly gonna take a few days give or take. Since it's new year in just a few hours, many are busy, haha

Sean PaulT60

Honestly, it makes a certain amount of sense to end like this. Without relying on pure Erotic Bad End Logic, (in other words, heroine gets captured or defeated off screen to allow for the erotic parts to happen, disregarding how powerful the character usually is). It makes some sense that Yor, someone who ordinarily wouldn't lose a fight to a lone man since she's crazy strong in universe, would have a dream about getting dominated. It is within reason to imagine a person who is used to being very strong and seldom at the mercy of her opponent (while in combat) to get excited when put in an unfamiliar position like this. (imagine a person who's good at something and is bored because they always win, getting a measure of excitement when they meet someone who can challenge them in their field) It's one of those, you wouldn't expect them to be the submissive type in bed. So having a wet dream makes sense even in universe, presuming canon Yor is actually into this kind of stuff, despite being too strong to ordinarily be put in that position. (I know I'm overanalyzing stuff but I'm just having fun with the story)