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And here we have it, the 6th page! You all asked for a final scene with a bit of an excessive outcome, and so I have given you what you asked for! Thank you all for pitching your ideas, this was quite a lot of fun tbh and hopefully we can all do the same in the future!


I shall now work on the line and color and hopefully get it done as soon as possible!




Wow this is very spicy! 🥵 love the armbinder too! This is a good conclusion to yor’s story! 🫶


Still some censor bars in the Dropbox post 😅


Hoho, an absolutely lovely roasting of Yor!


6 pages are many. Thanks Bagel. The maid outfit resembles rebakes art. 😍


Bagel 👏 Bomb 👏 does 👏 not 👏 miss


Man I know it goes against the whole point of the the post but i want that page 7 happy ending now lol. Banger art though.


The art is absolutely phenomenal, but damn that text is making me legit sad a bit. I would absolutely love a wholesome end, but understand you've got other stuff to work on. Banger 11/10 artwork as usual!


I’ve got nothing but praise Bagel! We are not worthy 🥯🙇‍♂️


Now we just need this kind of end for the next part of ahri's comic~ great work as always bagel!

Roscoe Grange

I agree. The art is fantastic as usual, but I'm not really a fan of the whole "Bad End" concept. I feel like they too often overshoot the sweet spot of "sexy peril", and into into the realm of "indefinite rape and misery".


Valid feedback! I can understand how CNC is not everyone's cup of tea, but I've got something in the making for it to balance it out, since it would go beyond the peril stuff. I appreciate your thoughts btw!


Oh, I'm personally fine with the "bad end" concept and the CNC. For me it was the whole thinking of Loid and the happiness, even despite the seeming brainwashing and conditioning. Usually I don't expect a bit of wholesomeness and hope when I'm checking out bad ends and CNC.

It‘s a good work, but I thought there would be more bondage

Something is always needed to satisfy people‘s dark desires.😏 But I don‘t particularly like this kind of rough sex. I prefer get rid of bondage but there is no way to struggle.


Incredible work as usual, but make sure you get enough rest so you don’t overwork yourself!


Really loving this more explicit direction!


Maybe put a gag on this page perhaps?

kaneki2896 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-09 03:28:33 Tape gag please
2023-12-29 12:24:17 Tape gag please

Tape gag please


Very impressive job, well done mate!