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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1cu23gk5jvnny7tfm9uau/Doctor-Who-S02E02-Tooth-And-Claw-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=z1m9go6zhmkey2va1mi0ja1gr&st=bm0cynj3&dl=0


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Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

Yep, David Tennant is Scottish, he speaks naturally with a Scottish accent, but he often puts on a British accent for roles.

Just James

Just James. Patreon member. Just when you think you’ve seen it all warrior monks show up go all crouching tiger hidden dragon and unleash a werewolf on your family. Did you know that the Latin phrase Father Angelo chants when staring at the full moon is "Lupus magnus est, lupus fortis est, lupus deus est." This translates as "The wolf is great, the wolf is strong, the wolf is God." Pauline Collins (Queen Victoria) last appeared in Doctor Who nearly forty years earlier as Samantha Briggs in The Faceless Ones. She was originally intended to become a full-time companion to the second Doctor but Collins declined. The Doctor identifies himself as "Doctor James McCrimmon (Jamie McCrimmon was a companion of the Second Doctor) of the township of Balamory" – Balamory is the setting of a CBeebies television program, designed for pre-school children. This children's TV show is filmed in a village called Tobermory on the Isle of Mull. At one point during filming, Billie Piper's hair caught fire. This episode is fine it gets a heater from me, it’s a monster of the week with a few cute moments. Toodle Pip


"What am I watching?" A choreographed fight sequence from the early aughts, which invariably means that... 🎵"Everybody was kung fu fighting...! 🎵 ... in super slow motion....


(Rose tries to do a Scottish accent) "No, don't do that... No, really, don't." - Shan, every time someone tries to do an Australian accent.


First 10 tastes the blood in the Christmas special, here he tastes the varnish. You gotta love his methodology - when in doubt, lick it.


The Koh-I-Noor (the diamond) is real; and it really was cut down significantly. And the whole thing about the royal blood disease is real too. That's the one of the things I like about time travel stories that flirt with real historical figures, where they root the story in real facts alongside the fantasy elements. Especially because, at least for me, it makes me want to look up which parts that sound plausible to see if they have any basis in fact and learn about real history as a result. Which, I believe has been mention, was an original premise behind Doctor Who; to use the stories to frame real history when they travelled backwards in time.

Charlie Matthews

Imagine if the Royal Family really were all werewolves, that's a conspiracy theorists ideal dream.

Charlie Matthews

How do you think Sam and Dean would do against a werewolf like this, because while I do love practical effects, the werewolves they fight in Supernatural are just people with fake fangs and claws that they just beat in hand to hand combat. This however, is what a werewolf should be, big and ACTUALLY LOOKS like a wolf. Just saying this because I think it would have been awesome if the Winchesters fought a werewolf like the one in this episode, ps still annoyed about the "dragon" the two brothers fought.


Ah, the origin of Torchwood. It may seem shoehorned in at the end but the name of the estate was said at an earlier point in the episode and the Doctor being involved with the creation of Torchwood is to be expected. It's also kinda clever to have Torchwood be an institute that's over a hundred years old and founded by Queen Victoria herself. It's the perfect explanation of why Britain in particular has an institute within its government specifically responsible for dealing with alien affairs that isn't a generic military subfaction, alas Area 51. I'm really impressed with the CGI on the Werwolf in this episode. It's been a while since I last saw it and it's held up surprisingly well. I especially like the backlit moon shot when the Werwolf finished transforming and howled. The magic of proper lighting. Overall I really liked horror/thriller aspect of the Werwolf. Despite not being allowed to show any gruesome imagery, the episode did really well to convey the horror of the Werwolf mauling someone to death. Lastly we get our proper first "10th Doctor wracking his brain to figure out what's actually happening" moment. David Tennant really is good at playing the inquisitive, brainy nature of the Doctor. Overall a fairly generic monster of the week episode but I do very much appreciate all the extra tidbits they've brought into it. Makes for a very enjoyable ride.