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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fd79vnsujv9142ynypfea/Person-Of-Interest-S05E01-B.S.O.D.-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=f1qe72anmgndlledfqtke7rjk&st=dzypwo3m&dl=0


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What would the team ever do without superstar Bear coming in clutch for his humans? Harold's PTSD with the ferry was a nice touch. I felt so bad for The Machine in those flashbacks and I love the Machine gets the level of quality writing as the humans do. Finch saying "she" had me as surprised as Root. Reese and Roots friendship/partnership really felt solidified this episode. I'm glad Reese got to help in the subway by using his brain by getting the Nitros. I felt Fusco's frustration hard. Overall I think this is a good opener.

Frank Tremel

While I love this show, I hate that the writers keep saying they wrote each finale as if it could be a series finale. The SHIELD writers said the same thing, and I never thought any of their finales were series finales except the actual series finale. Do they really want us to believe that their planned series finale for season 1 was Finch was kidnapped by Root, HR was still at large, and John was asking the Machine for help. Or in SHIELD when season 2 ended with Ward still a threat, the Inhuman outbreak about to begin, and Simmons sucked through the portal. None of these felt like series finales, and it is arrogant of the writers to make us think they could do so.


That's literally every network show ever, though. They have to write things in such a way that the season finale can serve as a series finale because at the time they're writing it, they usually don't know if they've been renewed. And while it sucks when shows get cancelled before resolving all their plots, "Leave them wanting more" is a pretty stable, long time rule of writing. Not everything always needs to be wrapped up in a neat little bow.


The scene with Root on the subway reminded me a lot of Angel 4x19: The Magic Bullet. Is it possible there's a connection between Samaritan and Jasmine?