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Hello friends! The trip in Japan goes well! We're in Hakone enjoying the pretty sights and relaxing. I had a little down time yesterday and this morning, thus I finalized the Tanuki! I didn't know its an actual real animal called the Japanese raccoon dog, which is adorable and you should all look it up haha. Naturally I made my version similar to the real animal that but still keeping the features from Japanese folklore such as his love of sake, his cute hat and his big scrotum.

If anyone is offended by the scrotum please keep in mind this is how he's represented here. The tanuki in folklore is a shapeshifter who loves to play pranks on people, but can be helpful when the situation is warranted, and is believed to bring good luck. More info here. You can also remove them as they are separate objects in blender.

Full files are in Misc Patron Requests - T - Tanuki. For FDM printing he should print well as is though on his back works too. For resin users the presupported file is up.

Next up I'm gonna work on some spooooky minis from the creepy side of things here. Stay tuned and thanks again for your continued support while I'm away :)



Rellis Cormany

I love your work and would like to attempt to print a few to see if I can make it work. Just having trouble getting the files to save. Do I need to upgrade my tier or am I just having technical issues? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and or reply:)


You are having technical issues. I have zero control on what you can save on your own computer.

Steven Sprague

Damn….I’m pretty sure that ACDC song is about this raccoon dog.