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I... should not take close-up photos. I already see something like 10 things I'd like to go back and change.

Could I have gone for more than one color and a shade? Yes. 

Did I spend 9 hours today removing a metric ton of supports and priming everything and therefore make the executive decision that one color and a shade would be just fine? Also yes.

I'm missing him like crazy but the silver lining of Miguel being gone is he's not here to micromanage my paint jobs lol

Files are here: screamer and  hammerer

I'll try to limit the cat photos ...but I make no promises.



Kristopher Skelton

That cat looks ready to roll for initiative. Those models look like they're out of a 60s sci-fi show, which is meant as a compliment :) I'm also pretty sure the camera makes the support points look 100x worse than they are because that's what cameras do.


right? they're BARELY visible in nearly any other context! I considered not posting it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


From normal distance on a table marks like those aren't visible on resin prints.


Paint job? Awesome! Cat? Also Awesome!


I did hammerer for my first resin print at 45 degrees and Z +5. Came out great.

Christian Geißler

do you consider the paintjob finished or is this only the primer color? The cat looks awesome, so majestic in the background, as if it is the secret scheming emperor... I like cat in the background images.


In the cat pic it was just primed, but yeah the top picture is "finished" given I have loads more still to paint before Miguel gets back. If it's not up to his standards I don't consider my paint jobs sacred and he has full permission to mess with it. Aurora was actively considering what to knock off the table if I stopped paying attention to her so "scheming" is an apt descriptor lol

Jeffrey P

Ok I think you or the cat should have your own blog/patreon!


Looks awesome! FYI, you can save a ton of time and quality on the print by manually adding supports. Printing at 45 degrees works well but you have to sacrifice one side of your mini to bumps or pits. Basically, when you print with no angle, auto support then add a few more manually. I have the photon and it prints really well this way and leaves me with just a 5 minute cleanup and no bumps 😁.


My Sun Conure parrot hates me to work with the 3d printers and not pay attention to her. :-)


Is there a way you address the issue that Christian has and we used to have where it was sticking pretty hard to the bed? I think because modeling is Miguel's favorite part of this process he prefers the rapidity with which he can tip it on its side and toss on autosupports to have a successful print 98% of the time. It saves him the time/energy he'd rather use on making more models. WITH THAT SAID I have considered personally learning how to do manual supports and taking over that part of the process for him, because as the person that removes supports all the merges drive me absolutely batty! Did you use any tutorials on manual supports or was it more a matter of trial and error?


If you fill the bed when you print, it makes it easier to get them off. Also I use a metal spatula that is typically used for body work to release the miniature from the plate. When it comes to supports, I stand them upright, hit autosupport. THEN I use the "add" button to fill in the blanks. When printed upright, autosupport gets only 80% coverage so that's why you have to do a final check and add what's missing. Learning where to place supports was just something I figured out through trial and error. When I first started, I did the 45 degree angle but after printing a wizard that had bumps all over his robe, I decided to figure it out. I still have the occasional oops but 95% are golden. I would get a video of it but I'm in the middle of moving so it might be a month before I can get settled enough to post the link, but if I score some time I will.


Thanks for writing it out for me! Does this seem about right? I feel like her hair is going to mis-print but this doesn't look too complicated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff5fAwwuMl8


No problem, I love the designs you guys put out, so anything to help. It’s pretty easy. You just have to visualize the print process from the base up. That videos hair and wings might fail on it. A side note though, dresses and robes are a pain if they are close but aren’t touching the base. I’m still working on them but just know they can be tricky. Outstretched arms, tilted weapons, hilts, capes, bows and wings are usually the ones needing additional supports so look out for those.