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Hello friends! Today I completed more requests, this time a mix of Request Board models and rewards for the winners of last month's painting contest! 

Goliath Rogue - located in Adventurers - Rogues. 

Warforged Gunslinger 3 - located in Adventurers - Gunslingers 

Sea Spawn Druid - located in Adventurers - Druids. 

Expect more random stuff tomorrow! 




I can't seem to be able to figure out how to make a request


Four paragraphs down in my introduction on my Patreon is the link to the Request Board


I don't see Goliath Rogue. I do see "Human Male Rogue 5" and it looks like the same model. Is it a typo?


THere was an upload failure. Its in there now. The human male rogue is a smaller version of that same file though if you needed a less embiggened one.