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Hello friends! This week I started working on Kobold Press' Tome of Beasts and decided to start with the dragons first, as dragons are cool. First up we have the Cave Dragon! I made a very low detail basic body many years ago so it gave me a nice head start. But I went all out on the sculpting, rigging, and posing then made a young version and a happy puppy.. err.. I mean wyrmling version too ;)

Most of the files are here on this post. However some of the files were sadly too big so I am attaching the link to the drive folder here too.  

I'll work on requests tomorrow. Enjoy! 




So here's where things get a bit murky for me. My understanding is that everything in this book is NOT safe for commercial use. Having said that, when I do a trademark search for "cave dragon" - it's not registered (I only searched the US as that's where Kobold Press is located). Does that mean it's safe as long as you don't mention the Tome of Beasts? Or is this a case where "Don't poke the bear" applies? 😂


Please do not use any models I make based off the works of the Kobold Press for any commercial use. They asked that my models based off their works are not used commercially and we should all respect their wishes.


I've got some bad news... Kobold press is releasing a special cover version of tome of beasts with an ancient cave dragon and eleven more monsters. My condolences to your computer. In all seriousness though these models look awesome


Thanks. No worries. Besides the new monsters though the main artwork is still the same so I'm not worried