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Hello friends! Today I worked on requests and made this fun construct the Candle Golem! This was a fun mix of modeling, sculpting and rigging. I'm really happy with the final result! 

Full files are located in Misc Patron Requests - G - Golems Other. They're attached to this post too. 

I'm still working on other requests today but this one is at least done done. More to come soon! 




This is fucking awesome man lol

Brian Bautista

Someone was listening to worlds beyond number. Love it.


A podcast I listen to just had its final episode, and one of the characters deployed a magic item he had made a year ago: a tooth golem, made from teeth collected from Gibbering Mouthers. I am both intrigued and horrified to see what comes of it, if this request gets made..


And suddenly, in unison, 1000s of peeps are trying to figure out how they're going to make that bad boy light up for real. 🤣


From Software called. They're pissed you stole their next great character for Elden Ring


What a cool idea! I love this one!