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メッセージを受け取った「After Sex」会員の方は、感想や改善案などのフィードバックを送ってくだされば助かります。今後の当サイトの運営のためですので、なにとぞご協力をお願い申し上げます。

We have recently created a Discord community.
We are not yet used to using Discord, so we do not know if our supporters will be able to access the content safely.
If you are an "After Sex" member and have accepted the message, we would appreciate it if you could send us feedback such as whether you can access the "#after-sex-video" channel, your impressions, and suggestions for improvement. Therefore, we ask for your cooperation in any way possible.
We would also like to ask you to let us know if you are running a Discord that is run by another creator.
Published: 2023-11
質問・question❓コメントフォーム・Question column 会員向け・Members only
Published: 2024-11