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Hello everyone, I hope you all are starting off well to a new week :) Apologies my replies have been a little slow. I've been busy with a few things the past few days- some fun, some not so fun lol. Good news is I've been spending a lot of time drawing on my iPad and am slowly learning how to animate. Like I mentioned in a ramble before, I'd really love to make my character art/thumbnails be animated so I'm determined!

I know it's very simple, but the above drawing is my first attempt. This will be a youtube character for later this week, so you all are the first ones to see it :) I also found a brush in Procreate that I think suits my style better so I'm pretty happy about that too. The next step is learning how my new video/audio editing program works!

Question of the week is a fun one (I think) lol. What's something people tend to assume about you? For me the two big ones are that I'm mean and that I'm younger than I am. The mean thing I think is because my default face is blank or RBF as some might say lol. The younger thing is only because of my height. 

This Friday's character winner was horror themed, so you know I'll have fun with that one :P I'll be posting a poll either later tonight or tomorrow for next Friday!




People think I'm shy when they first meet me. I have to explain to them "I'm not shy, I'm anti-social. There's a difference"


The greatest difference of all indeed. :' ) Oof... why can't a-s just be left to vibe. :/


An interesting first animation indeed... But the character doesn't have a raincoat, this looks like a standard sweater. She'll get sick under the rain, how EEEEVIIIIIL! ... We need the Kaguya-sama umbrella meme scene now. Looks quite nice, excited to see what you come up with in the future! RBF? Hard to imagine about you with your voice, but then again, we've never seen you play poker... ah! :' ) I guess people assume I'm gay...? I'm pansexual, so joke's on them! Oh, and people assume I'm on the autism spectrum... Which is likely since my brother and male genitor are, just never been diagnosed. Huzzah...? Life's weird for me in regard to assumptions, they're often quite right. Yeah for transparency.


The are is just like me fr lol. Walking in the rain with a jacket on but without my hoodie on really feeds the vibe to being a Psycopath(jk). Also Ishould've mentioned from the last rain comment that yeah I also wear glasses, yet I won't put on my hoodie to make sure I can see in the rain because I just LOVE rain. For a start of animation, it works out pretty well and soon enough you'll be able to make an asmr video game just like you attempted with the mage before. For the question of the week, ngl, people assume I'm some freak, or I just look depressed some of the time. As you already know Alichu, living my life with what I feel is "a curse" brings nothing but hopelessness to me everyday, from nothing of backtalk from others, freaking the fuck out of people, and also just giving myself self doubt(especially in dating). I also get claimed as depressed since I don't really see eye to eye with some people(aka just starring at the floor and looking all sad and such). It's not like I'm really a bad person, it's just that people need to get an understanding of who you are because as the saying goes: "Never judge a book by its cover." There have been multiple accounts of times that I've been helpful to those around be because of something I remember quoting to myself: "Those who suffered the most have an understanding of what others suffer, even in a different aspect." Plus as I said before, people think of me as a big brother to them, and I will take that as a compliment any day to brighten a spark in my day.

Kai Zomei

Nice job on the animation. I wish you luck in learning this. My Monday is off to a decent start with my continued job hunting. People don't often tell me any first impressions, so I can only guess I'm unassuming in some way.


I'm super excited for animations! I think it can add a lot even with just some simple movement. I've noticed the quality of the iPad-drawn art has been increasing with each one you've posted and this one looks very similar to the level of the art from your drawing pad. I don't have much interesting for QotW. Only thing is that people also think I'm younger than I am (it's just the face).


This girl is a menace, smiling nonchalantly at us while her hood fills with water. She dgaf, and I respect that. The animation is really nice, the little 'plinks' as the droplets hit her is weirdly satisfying to watch? I honestly don't think I meet enough people on the regular to know what others assume of me lol. I used to get rbf accusations a lot, so I try to smile more often now.

Sir Skelington

I gotta say I really like the animation, it's not over done but it makes everything more interesting and can give a good vibe to a video, like making it cozy. A lot of people say that when they first meet me that they think I'm very quiet and serious. But when people get to know me they realize I'm always saying something stupid. I just like making people laugh and that got me into a lot of trouble back in school lol.


Haha, I love it! I like to think of it as being extremely picky with those I choose to spend time with lol.


Glad to hear you had some fun over the weekend, and hope the not so fun parts didn't end up bringing it down. I like the small amount of animation! It's neat, and while I don't think constant animation is necessary for all of videos it would be neat to see like a shooting star or something go across the background of a video. For the question of the week, I'm not actually too sure. Although it's probably not good based on how many people ghost me on dating apps lol (Although I do think realistically, the majority of that is just dating app culture tbh). I know at least one time someone thought I was a completed metalhead and also people tend to think I am very serious. Neither of those are particularly wrong but they aren't the full picture either.


Thank you Teach, I appreciate it! I don't have much experience with animation (mainly just small things like this and eyes blinking). I'd really love to do one with the hair moving or maybe just kinda swaying back and forth in that calming way that some animation videos do. It's a slow process but I'm getting there! :) Heyy, high five to a fellow pansexual! :D As for being on the spectrum, I've been kinda quiet on that up until now; mainly because I haven't been officially diagnosed either. I was diagnosed with OCD pretty young and I'm aware that females are often misdiagnosed. Not to say this is my case but you and other patrons have been open with your experiences so I thought I would share mine. But hey, whether I am or not it's OK- I'm still me :P

Secular Succotash

Oh sick, lucky that we get to se the animation first! Simple or no it’s still really cool to see you expanding your skill set to animation! It’s funny how many people make a ton of assumptions about me since my appearance REALLY doesn’t match my personality lol These are all from what my friends have told me they thought before getting to know me: They assumed I’d be mean cause of my chronic case of RBF, and thought I was older than I am cause of my permanent five o’clock shadow (its seriously annoying, there no matter how recently I shaved). The deeper voice doesn’t help the 28yo accusations either (though that’s getting closer and closer to being a reality lol). They also assumed I was like a dominant fuckboy type too based solely on my appearance. Anyone who talks to me for more than two minutes figures out pretty quick thats polar opposite to me haha


Slow work makes the dream work, I've heard. :) sounds better in French: "Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre." You'll get there for sure, without dumb AI shenanigans too! Wooooh, pan power!... so Panwer? Oh gosh it's close to pwndwer. Misdiagnosis seems like a rampant plague, no? Been reading a lot about this through friends of mine (all taken ones but one have kids now, ahah), and it's been affecting schools a lot. Despite teaching young adults (kind of like higher education, but the first few years), I've been seeing a lot of workload added through all these diagnosis that try to prevent anything bad happening by overdiagnosing kids... all in good faith, but ayyyye, we need a better system across the world for re-evaluation during teenagehood! You're still you for sure and we love you for it!♡

Secular Succotash

Similar thing with being social but introverted. Like, “no I genuinely enjoy socializing and going out with people, it’s just that I re-charge my batteries through alone time and not through socializing”


Thanks Azazel, I'm glad you like it! I have a lot of ideas I'm excited to try. I know it's going to take some time but I'm slowly getting there :D I wish I could enjoy the rain without my hoodie but my glasses getting wet is an absolute nightmare to clean :') Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees cleaning their glasses as a ritual only for them to get messed up soon after from dirt, wind, dust, etc. lol Assumptions are funny things. Not all the time, but I usually believe assuming only makes an ass out of you and me as the saying goes lol. I think it's silly to do that to people though. From my experiences, the people you think are weird are usually the coolest and nicest. Not only that but they are usually unique which makes for better conversation! Without getting too long, I think we all have things that make us different in some way. Some people unfortunately just don't have the patience to get to know someone. Those that are patient though are the real OGs! :)


most people who see me for the first time think that I have a strong, i'n bad mood, scary and older than I am.most people who hear me for the first time think that I little, childish, Younger than I am. I am 1.96 m tall, strong and have a hi pitch voice.this often led to funny moments with people who only knew my voice and then met me in real life. and how scary I look People ran away from me, frozen in fear, screaming or recently the homeless man pointed his finger at me and screamed danger danger. Even if it's annoying sometimes, I usually find it pretty funny.^^ Most people who know me better think I'm strong, friendly, childish and I'm scarier than I look. xD


Thank you Kai, I really appreciate that :) I wish you the best in job hunting and hope you find something that you enjoy. As for being unassuming, I think that's good in its own way! At least you don't have to deal with people saying, "Oh I thought this or that about you" to which my usual reply is "I get that a lot" lol xD


Thanks Lamestar, that means a lot! :D I've been spending a good bit of time learning new things on my iPad so it's nice to hear the quality is increasing. I'm excited to work more with animation too. It's a lot of fun and I think it can add a neat effect to my videos :)

Kai Zomei

I think the only time I get a reaction like that is when I get annoyed and lash out because I'm often so chill, and I don't think people like folks who expressed frustration.


Thanks Cody, I'm glad you like it! :D I thought a rain themed animation would be a good starting point since it's probably one of my favorite sounds to listen to. I get you on the smiling more thing. I always tell people I have a "work me" and a "real me" lol. The work me is all smiles but the real me is just blank faced 80% of the time lol.


Thank you Skelly, I'm glad you like it! :) I'm having a lot of fun learning more about animation so I'm excited to see what I can make. I can really relate to you on wanting to make people laugh- I've always been that way. It's the best medicine for making me feel better so I like to give that to others if I can.


Thanks Joker, I appreciate it! The not so fun things aren't too bad, it's just adult stuff like taxes, new apartment searching, etc. Individually it's fine but when it's all at once it can be a little stressful ; o ; I like your shooting star idea! I'll have to incorporate that into a video at some point. I don't have any experience with dating apps but based on things I've heard from others I wouldn't take it too personally. Like you said, I think it seems to be the norm for people to not reply or ignore on them. If it's any consolation you probably just haven't come across the right person yet who's willing to get to know someone more. You will though, I'm rooting for you! :)


Thank you Succotash, I appreciate it! Animation is a lot of fun. It takes me a lot more time to do but when it's done it's really satisfying to look at ^_^ Usually if I meet someone who judges others on appearance alone, I try to distance myself from them. I honestly don't want anything to do with them because I know all I need to at that point to not like them. Assumptions are one thing because they can change but coming to a conclusion based off something small like that is another. Look on the bright side though, after getting to know you at least your friends see that what they thought wasn't true! I get that the initial assumption kinda stings but those people that know the real you are what matter. It's the ones that don't even give someone a chance that suck lol.


I'm sorry you've had to deal with those assumptions Mi-kotin. Similar to what you said, it's sometimes a little funny in my case too but it can get annoying when it starts to happen a lot. You know what though, like I've told a few others, it's the people that have taken the time to know you who matter most :) Unrelated but I'm just now noticing your pfp picture and it's so cute- I really like it :D


Oh yeah, I defiantly don't take it very personally lol. I know better than to put my self worth onto dating apps, or any social media for that matter. I fell like I would go crazy very fast if I did that. I mainly use dating apps for fun, and even then I don't use them very often. And I have made a few friends through them so it's not totally bleak either!


Firstly, I have to completely agree with your statement secondly, forgive me alich For me it's something very normal. I thought it would be funny if I listed the extreme examples. I didn't want to reopen old wounds. or cause you worries. but more importantly back to the picture thank you very much^^ You're the first person to say she looks cute and I'm totally agree.^^ she is the first characters I ever designed. Even though I've only recently started drawing, I got myself a drawing tablet and this is the first picture I drew with it. She is also the character I like to draw the most.


I really like the animation Ali, I'm a sucker for hoodies in the rain. I don't really know what people assume about me, I don't really talk to many people, and the people who do know me don't really have anything to assume anymore. Back in my secondary years though, well that's another kettle of fish, and a can of worms I'm not opening. The only thing that comes to mind is that people assume I dislike them, which isn't the case, because I hate everyone equally, and I leave my problems with people at the door.


That's awesome about the drawing tablet, congrats! Your first drawing is adorable and if you choose to share more work, I look forward to seeing it ^_^


Thanks Pro, I'm glad you enjoy the animation :) I did another one for the upcoming Patreon video too. It's a slow learning process but I'm getting there! I can definitely relate to your last statement of hating/disliking equally lol xD