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Happy Sunday everyone, I hope you all are having a nice weekend so far! Here we have the shrimpy art as well as a WIP of how the octopus is coming along for youtube. She's going to be a blue ringed octopus so I'm really excited to play around with the coloring and shading. I also tried out a new way of making tentacle/slimy sounds, so we'll see how that turns out :P

I'll be posting a longer ramble audio later tonight where I'll be talking about a bunch of random things- a chill way to start out the new week! :D



Secular Succotash

Looking forward to it! Just got back to my place after visiting my family for a week, having fun catching up on everything I missed lol. Also those are some good looking tentacles! Blue-ringed octos are cool af


Shrimp girl looks so cute! And I also really like the design of octopus girl!!


Welcome back! I hope you had a nice time with your family :D I think you mentioned it being your sister's birthday- I hope she had a good one! I just finished coloring the octo girl last night and it was a lot of fun- lots of blues and yellows lol :P