Shameless 9X5: Black-Haired Ginger (Patreon)
So, Fiona continues to piss me off. I guess this is just how I feel about her now. I used to like Fiona, but over the last two seasons, she's become unbearably unlikable.
Anyway, Ian goes to meet his lawyer, which Fiona insists on going with. Ian tells her 'no,' but she promises to be quiet. Spoiler alert: she's not. She and Geneva get into it about what Ian should do. I'm sorry. Neither of you should be involved in this at all. It's up to Ian. Nobody cares what you two want to do about this. Fiona wants him to plead not guilt via insanity, and Geneva is all, 'that will undermine the cause.' Bitch, this is about Ian's life.
Unsure of what to do, Ian heads over to talk to Terry Milkovich to ask him how bad it was to do prison for 18 years. After that talk, Ian decides to run. He dyes his hair black, packs his stuff, and heads out. Fiona is furiously trying to find him (if he skips his court date, she loses her bail money) and no one in the family will help her. They all think Ian is an adult and can do as he pleases. Eventually, he does show up, go to court, and plead not guilt due to insanity. Fiona is thrilled. The kids of the movement, not so much.
Carl is still working on getting into West Point. So he goes to some mixer (in Liam's clip on tie) and meets this girl who he needs to stay away from. She passes out drunk on him, and then accuses him of having sex with her while she was passed out and recording it. Which he totally didn't do. Then shows up later and wants to get together with him. I hate this for Carl.
Debbie is still trying to figure out her sexuality. She goes to Nessa and her wife (whose name I can't remember) to ask them about being a lesbian. The wife takes her top off and kisses Debbie. When she asks if Debbie liked it and Debbie said yes, she claimed that was lesbian enough.
Fucking Frank. His liver meds are failing and the doctors need to change them. He can't afford the good ones, so he's got to get older ones with a ton of side effects, including ED. Okay, fine. But why does no one consider the fact that he's drunk and high all the time as a possible reason his liver is failing?
Lip ends up with a free day off and struggles not to drink. He has nothing to do and it's killing him. He tries all sorts of things to stave off the urge. Finally Liam comes home with a problem and he's distracted. Turns out, Liam had sex with some girl, and now she's telling him that she's pregnant and it's his. Except, he just had sex with her today, so it totally can't be his. The Gallagher's drug her and drop her off at Planned Parenthood.