WIP Friday! Don't Judge! (Patreon)
Sometimes I feel like WIPping it on Friday instead of Wednesday!
Food is so central to the human experience... I recall that during my Iraq deployment, so many of my characters' interactions were set during meal times. It is frequently the only time we have to talk informally.
The usual patchwork effect to my camouflage...
Also, in regard to meal times, it is a universal constant we all share that needs no explanation, and for the most part doesn't need a lot of cultural context. In the past I also made sure to show Joe and Juni eating Chinese take-out, and I portray Joe eating with a fork while Juni uses chopsticks.
Here I am starting to put in the background. Talking about forks and chopsticks reminds me that I need to include silverware with her tray. For the record, when eating Asian food, I too try to eat with chopsticks because that was how it was meant to be served. Eating Asian chow with a knife and fork seems weird to me now.
Anyhow, enough for now. See you again soon!