Mass Effect: Final Error (Chapters 35-37) (Patreon)
2023-08-23 00:32:17
Alright! Time for the last story update for this month. I'll be posting once more to discuss next month's updates, but this is the last of the 4 planned story additions for the month. Attached are chapters 35-37 of Mass Effect: Final Error, and I'll be updating the Master File in the pinned post shortly as well. In addition to the usual bits of kink, we also see some action as the Reaper War starts to truly get underway! This fic is both the current longest (now just under 89k) and the closest to completion. Exactly how close to completion is hard to say. Possibly the end of the year? Adding only 5-6k at a time means that might be a bit optimistic. We'll see!
As usual, the story is attached in both PDF and EPUB formats.