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Hey everyone,

This dev log comes with a sneak peek at one of the new LIs. She was referenced in episode 1, so maybe you can guess who she is ;). The next two logs will also have sneak peeks of new LIs. After that, I'll probably start previewing non-spoiler episode renders.

This week was spent nearly finishing the script for episode 2, creating new characters, and getting started on rendering. My PC struggled with most of episode 1's environments, even with optimization and my ghetto tactics, but episode 2's environments so far look like they'll be easier to work with (except one). I'd say things are going smoothly.

I've also received some great feedback from you guys, so I'm making an effort to improve in two particular areas: facial expressions and LI render quality. I welcome all reviews/comments (positive or negative), so lay em on me!

I think that covers just about everything. Let me know what you think of this log style, and if I should cover anything else. Thank you all for your continued support, and have a great week for me. :)





Benevolent Cerc

Damn- you got that script done fast!


Well done, I decided to become a patreon because I loved ur first update to your new game keep it up 👍