New Antioch [R0.2] Dev Log #2 (Patreon)
Hail citizens,
Another log, another new LI. This preview will also give you an idea of how advanced New Antioch really is (or at least some parts of it), after centuries of hoarding technology.
I had a very productive week, and smashed out a few of the shorter scenes. To put it into perspective, 16% is ~110 renders. Scene I'm working on right now is taking ~1 hour/render, so that may slow me down a bit but we'll see.
I'm also leveraging the debate system into a turn-based combat system for ep 2, which is why I've held off on that last 8% of the script. I want fights to be short and sweet, and rely on player problem solving rather than RNG/trial-and-error.
Aside from that I've also been doing some long-term planning, trying to more closely tie the adult content arcs in with story events. I'm quite happy with how that's turning out, but only time'll tell if it all comes together nicely.
I'm already feeling like ep 2 will be solidly better than ep 1. Hopefully you guys will agree. Thanks everyone, I'll see you again next week.