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Let's talk about GW's nerf to aircraft in Arks of Omen



I’d love to see a review of the brood brothers rules and what units would be good for that in GSC.

David Turner

I know this is an old post but I thought it was interesting and current real-world military doctrine is to keep aircraft support on a close orbit above the enemy's engagement range. Basically, flying circle until they are needed to fire on a target. This includes bombers, close air artillery support (AC130), and strafing runs from things like the A-10. None of them can hover but they maintain 3 mile diameters around combat at times. The only time orbiting a position like that is a problem is you don't maintain air superiority.

Patrick Addleman

I am glad I anticipated the Harpy getting nerf hard, was considering getting one but they seem to have it out for fliers. Hopefully they help the valkarye as its one of my favorite looking units and right now it's not great. Good episode, now to tell my friend about his nightscythe.

Damien Malak

Marauder bomber, king of the sky!

Thomas Boni

An easy enough compromise that could be implemented is flyers still have to start on strategic reserves but when they deploy that can move thier normal movement after being set down. Showing the planes coming into the battle at Mach Jesus.

Buddy With the Sideburns .

Well, on the bright side, that'll prevent me from over-committing my Blackstar, then watching in shock as it gets blasted to pieces, leaving me to wonder where I went wrong.


As a deathwatch player the hit to the corvus blackstar hurts my soul. I love that little plane and it almost feels like GW has looked at deathwatch with this latest balance dataslate and points change and just told us to go to hell. Corvus doesn't work, mission tactics overwrite combat doctrines so no boost there, veterans are now 27 points per model which is great if its all storm shields + combi-guns but overcosted to hell if its not so it's just the power problem. The only good thing we got was that our kill teams have obsec and sticky objectives so we can use bikes and stuff to steal the midfield

Geoffrey Denight

Given the scale of even a 3k game, does it make sense for any aircraft (that can't hover) to be doing tight circles over the battlefield? They'd be doing attack runs, on the field from one side and off the other.