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Let's take a look at what the golden guardians are running in current Warhammer 40K...


Justin Holbrook

I just bought my first few custodes to start a new army! Will be painting them up as shadowkeepers :)


Also just starting out my Custodes. Was looking for an easier army to play

Niv Mizzet

Dude aren’t there only like 11 custodes


Interesting to see the Blade Champion pick rate so low - he absolutely slaps. I can see why Trajann and a bike captain offer more though.

Paul Sloey

I don’t play particularly competitively but a shadowkeepers blade champion with the shield host relic and warlord trait is an absolute blender against enemy characters

Dan Geneen

Thanks so much for this. Great to know I've got lots of these units covered and there is waaay Les FW requirement

dakota jones

I'd love to make a Custodes army but I already have my ultras I need to finish. Not to mention my tyranids and my exs sisters of battle. She left them when she left.