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"Mmm. . . I warned that haughty air head it was too hot for her inflated ego to say we should spend summer at a spa or sauna, but nooooo~ You just had to kill the vibe, and keep being a lazy good for nothing who can't chill with the attitude even in this situation. . . Well~ at least your smooth complexion and rubber like glossy skin makes for a perfect textured finish don't you agree?~ In fact. . . Cooling off in the lazy river using all the air trapped in that stupid mug of yours is juuussst right for beating this summer heat and using your inflated self worth.~"

The figure sighed in bliss as she curled her toes along the cool yet stimulating surface of the inner tube. The feeling of basking in the sun's rays as well as the gentle goosebumps rising from her skin from the two conflicting temperatures fluctuating in a perfect synergy around her.


"Mmmm~ in fact your little muffled protests as a mere decal only add to the stimulaton~ They even massage me and my soles a bit occasionally!~ . . . Though yourself worth should get lower after time. . . I'd say $29.97 is about as much as a clearance pool tube should be worth after all for a failed online writer like yourself~"


Hmmmm? What's that? Saying I shouldn't try and hang out with the failed TF Writer during my multiversal travels and just put her in her place? SHUSH! I do this as Vengeance but even I wanna relax occasionally. . . Besides a face that smooth, subtle and relaxing was gonna be made a mere object eventually anyways so why rush?~

Either way she was put in her place properly and I still am trying to take her mantle~. . . Though I do have future plans that will be divulged early here without fail~ Keep your eyes and ears open Patreon Lovelies~ some future works you'll get the full concepts and all images and elsewhere won't~



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