Realtime Study Painting! (Patreon)
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A fully real time painting video series has been really requested so much that I finally am getting to it, thank you so much for your patience! We're kicking the series off with a study (this is the first of 3 videos, and I'm aiming to do at least 1 a week). It's also a part update/semi-podcast thing where I talk a little bit about other art-related things, so it should be a reasonably (fingers-crossed) entertaining watch or listen! Let me know what you think as always!
I'm very much preparing some very cool works that I've really decided to give my all in, so they are taking a bit longer in the oven, my apologies, but I promise they will be worth! I'll tell you more about them in the video, so please watch :)
Next month is our 4th (already????) year anniversary here, so we will be doing our traditional viewer submission feature! Please look forward to the post regarding that coming soon too.
As always, a heartfelt thanks for being here with me, I'll strive hard to keep making even better works to show you!