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It's a test recording so please let me know your thoughts on the audio quality and how I sound! I'm quite satisfied with the new quality (I had always thought I just sounded silly in recordings), but just in cased I missed any volume setting I wanted you guys to hear it too! I'm gonna be putting up a lot of new videos this month with real time painting (and talking) so definitely ignore the "see you next month" thing at the end :)



Sounds quality to me!

Yato Gamy

Heya! A bit of sparkle in the background I think? When you talk? Not sure, but still, nice quality!


I think it sounds very nice and it's very very clear!


i think it sounds very good!!!


Thanks for letting me know! Could be the fan that's on full blast that I forgot...


what mic are you using?

Yato Gamy

xD , let’s not overthink then, it’s 100% the fan ! Can’t wait for your next vid you are a big inspiration to me!


Sounds very clear and smooth


Sounds like you could be a VA


The mic quality is so good, there is a slight echo or something like that, I don't know what the actual thing is called but other than that sounds amazing!


Oh that's some QUALITY!


It sounds really nice! The only thing I could think of is the sort of fan noise in the background, maybe that is just a fan which, well, is a easy "fix" haha. Either noise recuction filter in the audio program or just turning it off (: Other than that I reallt like it, sounds nice and smooth. Plus it's really clear audio! Really a quality upgrade. Looking forward to the new videos!


Voice of an angel 🫠

Chaz Sutherland

I hear it too, but I don't think it's ambient. It seems to be a whirring sound that tracks with his voice. More like a kind of distorted reverb.

KR Hung



Thanks for the feedback! I listened to it a couple of times and it does sound like a weird echoey reverb - I've turned off the fan and it did fix it, might be how the noise reduction lets in the fan noise when I'm speaking!


Thanks! I heard the echo too after listening to it again - it did seemed to be the fan, I've tried again without the fan and it works well!


Yey… much more smooth and enjoyable. Nice pick


It's kinda like an ASMR :D Very soothing!

Bryle P.

Definitely an upgrade, it’s way more smooth sounding and clear compared to the old microphone, i think it’ll definitely impact the quality of your videos positively!

Bean Wilder

I thought we were gonna get trolled with alien noises

Raphael DeLima

Definitely an improvement. Coming from a background in video, never neglect sound. It’s more important than people realize.

Kamohelo Hlasa

This sounds so decent… 👌🏾👍🏽

ishen amara

Its good to go but let me know if u need any advice on high end tech music tech is my thing

Mr. megriv

Your voice is really cool

SMM2 - TutorialZ

You littertly sound different in a good way wth


Hello ♡