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Time really flies WAY too fast... It's been 4 years?? It's a tradition I'd like to uphold so once again, let's have a great time taking a look at everyone's wonderful work! I always gain a lot of energy from this too, so I'm very much looking forward to it!

To participate in the event, simply submit your artworks here! For reference, this was last year's video! The rules are really simple, just submit something you've drawn that you'd like featured or reviewed (for more feedback from me, use the feedbackpls tag!) At the end of the month, when most participants have submitted their desired works, I would be looking through all of them on video! They can be anything you've drawn yourself, it's meant simply to be a chance for me to appreciate everyone's efforts, so there isn't any kind of "quality" barrier.

If you're having a bit of trouble with Discord (or if you've found anything I've missed), just drop a comment under this post and I'd get it fixed for you ASAP! Thank you so much as always!




Hey man it’s says that the server doesn’t exist but I would love to participate!


Thanks for letting me know! Just to check, have you gotten the Patron role on Discord?

Vincent Chen

How can I get the patron role on the server?


I don’t think so, I don’t use discord that much but I’m paying for the membership, do I have to pay more to unlock that benefit? If so, I’ll be more than happy to upgrade for it


Oh no, not at all! It's open to all Patrons, there isn't any other tier :) Please use this link to join, and then let me know your username! discord.com/invite/wmK5EV794R


Just let me know your username and I'll get you in! It should be an auto-role adding thing, but it's really not too perfect...


Oh, I want to get a role too! The name is the same as here. 😆


No worries it's okay! Feel free to participate in the event! ☺️

Cardo Sinclair

Hello Mr guweiz. I was wondering if your ‘part 1’ course on coloso can be taken by a beginner

ray black

Is there a limit to how many pieces one can submit for the anniversary? And if so how many?


I will try my best to give everyone a good bit of time, but if there are too many works per person I won't be able to talk about all of them in depth or for too long!


Hello! Just joined the Discord but it seems that I didn't get the role automatically. My nickname is @maikeru_art, thank you. And thank you for your art, I truly enjoying it! :D


Hi Guweiz! I'm in your server but for some reason I didn't get the role :( My discord is the_jhay


It's strange, the option to add you doesn't pop up... Says unable to load profile banner,etc


I’m not sure what happened but I think I accidentally left or got removed? I’ve joined back into the server again just now


Nevermind I just figured it out, I had to link my discord to here, my bad