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jazz loving weirdo




Hi! Just wondering, is there no scheduled post this week? Or is it just me who can’t find it?


No worries at all!! Take your time, I was just curious. Thank you for replying!


hey! i was just thinking, is there any way we can suggest you some enhypen variety videos you can react to? (after this months scedule ends obv) cause lack of enha videos on your channel is really sad)))) i really wanna see you two reacting to their content. have a good day!


No seriouslyyy, idk where the engenes on this channel went but we have to start suggesting variety content 😔


You are my comfort reaction channel. This feels like such a safe space, I don’t know how to describe it 😭 I love this community. Can’t wait for more bnd reactions 🤭


The lingering pineapple dilemma the whole episode is too funny 😂


onedoor berets who aren't part of the discord please join we have a thread there😊🫶 you can find it under lore threads


rule of thumb in food safety is usually if it smells fine, looks fine, tastes fine, then its probably fine! and if you can't tell whether something smells good or bad, that usually means its good, because You Will Be Able To Tell when something smells rotten! just some stuff i've picked up doing food service!!

Alex P

Your Lin Manuel Miranda just skyrocketed to my favorite impression you do lolol


Scary stories to tell in the dark mentioned!


i love that the placebo effect was fully on yalls ass today with that pineapple.

S u n f l o w e r

Aah espero cuando salga la nueva temporada igual lo puedan ver ❤️

S u n f l o w e r

Es que mis chicos enserio son tan malvados jajaja en especial Riwoo y Jaehyun jajaja con un toque de Leehan y Taesan jajaj

fre 🫧

still can't believe sungho and woonhak were arguing over rummikub of all games


In todays episode, RJ poisons Adam with pineapple 😂

Nina Sera

You can submit them via the variaday form, it’s linked on the weekly schedule post. They usually pick whatever has the most (or a lot of) suggestions so if you can organize with the other engenes on discord you’ll have a better chance of it being picked!


the pineapple b plot of this video is peak